Preliminary study of the moderately cool chemically peculiar star BS Circini

Abstract in English

BS Cir is a representative of moderately cool magnetic chemically peculiar stars which displays very strong light variations in Stroemgren index c1 indicating large changes in the height of the Balmer jump. We present two-spot model of light variations fitting successfully all of nine light curves obtained in the spectral region 335-750 nm. We also discuss the nature of the observed variations of intensities of Fe, Cr, Ti, Si, Mg and RE spectral lines and possible mechanisms matching the observed light variations. It was confirmed that the observed period of BS Cir 2.204 d is rising with the rate of dP/dt=5.4(4)x10^-9. The found minor secular changes in the shape of light curve should be compatible with the period changes caused by precessional motion due to magnetic distortion of the star.
