Time-Dependent Meson Melting in External Magnetic Field

Abstract in English

The dynamics of a probe D7-brane in an asymptotically AdS-Vaidya background has been investigated in the presence of an external magnetic field. Holographically, this is dual to the dynamical meson melting in the N = 2 super Yang-Milles theory. If the final temperature of the system is large enough, the probe D7-brane will dynamically cross the horizon (black hole embedding). By turning on the external magnetic field and raising it sufficiently, the final embedding of the corresponding D7-brane changes to Minkowski embedding. In the field theory side, this means that the mesons which melt due to the raise in the temperature, will form bound states again by applying an external magnetic field. We will also show that the evolution of the system to its final equilibrium state is postponed due to the presence of the magnetic field.
