Transient evolution of solitary electron holes in low pressure laboratory plasma

Abstract in English

Solitary electrons holes (SEHs) are localized electrostatic positive potential structures in collisionless plasmas. These are vortex-like structures in the electron phase space. Its existence is cause of distortion of the electron distribution in the resonant region. These are explained theoretically first time by Schamel [Phys. Scr. 20, 336 (1979) and Phys. Plasmas 19, 020501 (2012)]. Propagating solitary electron holes can also be formed in a laboratory plasma when a fast rising high positive voltage pulse is applied to a metallic electrode [Kar et. al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 102113 (2010)] immersed in a low pressure plasma. The temporal evolution of these structures can be studied by measuring the transient electron distribution function (EDF). In the present work, transient EDF is measured after formation of a solitary electron hole in nearly uniform, unmagnetized, and collisionless plasma for applied pulse width and, where and are applied pulse width and inverse of ion plasma frequency respectively. For both type of pulse widths, double hump like profile of transient EDF is observed, indicating that solitary electron hole exists in the system for time periods longer than the applied pulse duration. The beam (or free) electrons along with trapped (or bulk) electrons gives the solution of SEHs in the plasma. Without free or beam electrons, no SEHs exist. Transient EDF measurements reveal the existence and evolution of SEHs in the plasma. Measurements show that these structures live in system for longer time in the low pressure range. In high pressure cases, only single hump like transient EDF is observed i.e. only trapped or bulk electrons. In this situation, SEH does not exist in the plasma during evolution of plasma after the end of applied pulse.
