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Chemical Potential Fluctuations in Topological Insulator (Bi$_{0.5}$Sb$_{0.5}$)$_2$Te$_3$ Films Visualized by Photocurrent Spectroscopy

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 Added by Paul Seifert
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the photocurrent properties of the topological insulator (Bi$_{0.5}$Sb$_{0.5}$)$_2$Te$_3$ on SrTiO$_3$-substrates. We find reproducible, submicron photocurrent patterns generated by long-range chemical potential fluctuations, occurring predominantly at the topological insulator/substrate interface. We fabricate nano-plowed constrictions which comprise single potential fluctuations. Hereby, we can quantify the magnitude of the disorder potential to be in the meV range. The results further suggest a dominating photo-thermoelectric current generated in the surface states in such nanoscale constrictions.

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215 - A. Kogar , S. Vig , A. Thaler 2015
We used low-energy, momentum-resolved inelastic electron scattering to study surface collective modes of the three-dimensional topological insulators Bi$_2$Se$_3$ and Bi$_{0.5}$Sb$_{1.5}$Te$_{3-x}$Se$_{x}$. Our goal was to identify the spin plasmon predicted by Raghu and co-workers [S. Raghu, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 116401 (2010)]. Instead, we found that the primary collective mode is a surface plasmon arising from the bulk, free carrers in these materials. This excitation dominates the spectral weight in the bosonic function of the surface, $chi (textbf{q},omega)$, at THz energy scales, and is the most likely origin of a quasiparticle dispersion kink observed in previous photoemission experiments. Our study suggests that the spin plasmon may mix with this other surface mode, calling for a more nuanced understanding of optical experiments in which the spin plasmon is reported to play a role.
Alloys of Bi$_2$Te$_3$ and Sb$_2$Te$_3$ ((Bi$_{1-x}$Sb$_x$)$_2$Te$_3$) have played an essential role in the exploration of topological surface states, allowing us to study phenomena that would otherwise be obscured by bulk contributions to conductivity. Thin films of these alloys have been particularly important for tuning the energy of the Fermi level, a key step in observing spin-polarized surface currents and the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Previous studies reported the chemical tuning of the Fermi level to the Dirac point by controlling the Sb:Bi composition ratio, but the optimum ratio varies widely across various studies with no consensus. In this work, we use scanning tunneling microscopy and Landau level spectroscopy, in combination with X-ray photoemission spectroscopy to isolate the effects of growth factors such as temperature and composition, and to provide a microscopic picture of the role that disorder and composition play in determining the carrier density of epitaxially grown (Bi,Sb)$_2$Te$_3$ thin films. Using Landau level spectroscopy, we determine that the ideal Sb concentration to place the Fermi energy to within a few meV of the Dirac point is $xsim 0.7$. However, we find that the post- growth annealing temperature can have a drastic impact on microscopic structure as well as carrier density. In particular, we find that when films are post-growth annealed at high temperature, better crystallinity and surface roughness are achieved; but this also produces a larger Te defect density, adding n-type carriers. This work provides key information necessary for optimizing thin film quality in this fundamentally and technologically important class of materials.
Despite extensive experimental and theoretical efforts, the important issue of the effects of surface magnetic impurities on the topological surface state of a topological insulator (TI) remains unresolved. We elucidate the effects of Cr impurities on epitaxial thin films of (Bi$_{0.5}$Sb$_{0.5}$)$_{2}$Te$_{3}$: Cr adatoms are incrementally deposited onto the TI held in ultrahigh vacuum at low temperatures, and textit{in situ} magnetoconductivity and Hall effect measurements are performed at each increment with electrostatic gating. In the experimentally identified surface transport regime, the measured minimum electron density shows a non-monotonic evolution with the Cr density ($n_{mathrm{Cr}}$): it first increases and then decreases with $n_{mathrm{Cr}}$. This unusual behavior is ascribed to the dual roles of the Cr as ionized impurities and electron donors, having competing effects of enhancing and decreasing the electronic inhomogeneities in the surface state at low and high $n_{mathrm{Cr}}$ respectively. The magnetoconductivity is obtained for different $n_{mathrm{Cr}}$ on one and the same sample, which yields clear evidence that the weak antilocalization effect persists and the surface state remains gapless up to the highest $n_{mathrm{Cr}}$, contrary to the expectation that the deposited Cr should break the time reversal symmetry and induce a gap opening at the Dirac point.
We study disorder induced topological phase transitions in magnetically doped (Bi, Sb)$_2$Te$_3$ thin films, by using large scale transport simulations of the conductance through a disordered region coupled to reservoirs in the quantum spin Hall regime. Besides the disorder strength, the rich phase diagram also strongly depends on the magnetic exchange field, the Fermi level, and the initial topological state in the undoped and clean limit of the films. In an initially trivial system at non-zero exchange field, varying the disorder strength can induce a sequence of transitions from a normal insulating, to a quantum anomalous Hall, then a spin-Chern insulating, and finally an Anderson insulating state. While for a system with topology initially, a similar sequence, but only starting from the quantum anomalous Hall state, can be induced. Varying the Fermi level we find a similarly rich phase diagram, including transitions from the quantum anomalous Hall to the spin-Chern insulating state via a state that behaves as a mixture of a quantum anomalous Hall and a metallic state, akin to recent experimental reports.
The ferromagnetic topological insulator V:(Bi,Sb)$_2$Te$_3$ has been recently reported as a quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) system. Yet the microscopic origins of the QAH effect and the ferromagnetism remain unclear. One key aspect is the contribution of the V atoms to the electronic structure. Here the valence band of V:(Bi,Sb)$_2$Te$_3$ thin films was probed in an element-specific way by resonant photoemission spectroscopy. The signature of the V $3d$ impurity band was extracted, and exhibits a high density of states near Fermi level. First-principles calculations support the experimental results and indicate the coexistence of ferromagnetic superexchange and double exchange interactions. The observed impurity band is thus expected to contribute to the ferromagnetism via the interplay of different mechanisms.
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