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Local Distinguishability of Generic Unentangled Orthonormal Bases

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 Added by Ji{\\AA}\\~A Lebl
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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An orthonormal basis consisting of unentangled (pure tensor) elements in a tensor product of Hilbert spaces is an Unentangled Orthogonal Basis (UOB). In general, for $n$ qubits, we prove that in its natural structure as a real variety, the space of UOB is a bouquet of products of Riemann spheres parametrized by a class of edge colorings of hypercubes. Its irreducible components of maximum dimension are products of $2^n-1$ two-spheres. Using a theorem of Walgate and Hardy, we observe that the UOB whose elements are distinguishable by local operations and classical communication (called locally distinguishable or LOCC distinguishable UOB) are exactly those in the maximum dimensional components. Bennett et al, in their in-depth study of quantum nonlocality without entanglement, include a specific 3 qubit example UOB which is not LOCC distinguishable; we construct certain generalized counterparts of this UOB in $n$ qubits.

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120 - Jiri Lebl , Asif Shakeel , 2017
Gleasons theorem asserts the equivalence of von Neumanns density operator formalism of quantum mechanics and frame functions, which are functions on the pure states that sum to 1 on any orthonormal basis of Hilbert space of dimension at least 3. The unentangled frame functions are initially only defined on unentangled (that is, product) states in a multi-partite system. The third authors Unentangled Gleasons Theorem shows that unentangled frame functions determine unique density operators if and only if each subsystem is at least 3-dimensional. In this paper, we determine the structure of unentangled frame functions in general. We first classify them for multi-qubit systems, and then extend the results to factors of varying dimensions including countably infinite dimensions (separable Hilbert spaces). A remarkable combinatorial structure emerges, suggesting possible fundamental interpretations.
Quantum coherence is a useful resource that is consumed to accomplish several tasks that classical devices are hard to fulfill. Especially, it is considered to be the origin of quantum speedup for many computational algorithms. In this work, we interpret the computational time cost of boson sampling with partially distinguishable photons from the perspective of coherence resource theory. With incoherent operations that preserve the diagonal elements of quantum states up to permutation, which we name emph{permuted genuinely incoherent operation} (pGIO), we present some evidence that the decrease of coherence corresponds to a computationally less complex system of partially distinguishable boson sampling. Our result shows that coherence is one of crucial resources for the computational time cost of boson sampling. We expect our work presents an insight to understand the quantum complexity of the linear optical network system.
We study the distinguishability of a particular type of maximally entangled states -- the lattice states using a new approach of semidefinite program. With this, we successfully construct all sets of four ququad-ququad orthogonal maximally entangled states that are locally indistinguishable and find some curious sets of six states having interesting property of distinguishability. Also, some of the problems arose from cite{CosentinoR14} about the PPT-distinguishability of lattice maximally entangled states can be answered.
252 - M. Mosonyi , F. Hiai , T. Ogawa 2008
We apply the recent results of F. Hiai, M. Mosonyi and T. Ogawa [arXiv:0707.2020, to appear in J. Math. Phys.] to the asymptotic hypothesis testing problem of locally faithful shift-invariant quasi-free states on a CAR algebra. We use a multivariate extension of Szegos theorem to show the existence of the mean Chernoff and Hoeffding bounds and the mean relative entropy, and show that these quantities arise as the optimal error exponents in suitable settings.
Many quantum statistical models are most conveniently formulated in terms of non-orthonormal bases. This is the case, for example, when mixtures and superpositions of coherent states are involved. In these instances, we show that the analytical evaluation of the quantum Fisher information may be greatly simplified by bypassing both the diagonalization of the density matrix and the orthogonalization of the basis. The key ingredient in our method is the Gramian matrix (i.e. the matrix of scalar products between basis elements), which may be interpreted as a metric tensor for index contraction. As an application, we derive novel analytical results for several estimation problems involving noisy Schroedinger cat states.
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