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Turbulent spectra of the brightest gamma-ray flares of blazars

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 Added by Susanna Kohler
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the spectral properties of the brightest gamma-ray flares of blazars detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope. We search for the presence of spectral breaks and measure the spectral curvature on typical time scales of a few days. We identify significant spectral breaks in fewer than half of the analyzed flares, but their parameters do not show any discernible regularities, and in particular there is no indication for gamma-ray absorption at any fixed source-frame photon energy. More interestingly, we find that the studied blazars are characterized by significant spectral variability. Gamma-ray flares of short duration are often characterized by strong spectral curvature, with the spectral peak located above 100 MeV. Since these spectral variations are observed despite excellent photon statistics, they must reflect temporal fluctuations in the energy distributions of the emitting particles. We suggest that highly regular gamma-ray spectra of blazars integrated over long time scales emerge from a superposition of many short-lived irregular components with relatively narrow spectra. This would imply that the emitting particles are accelerated in strongly turbulent environments.

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175 - Krzysztof Nalewajko 2012
I present a systematic study of gamma-ray flares in blazars. For this purpose, I propose a very simple and practical definition of a flare as a period of time, associated with a given flux peak, during which the flux is above half of the peak flux. I select a sample of 40 brightest gamma-ray flares observed by Fermi/LAT during the first 4 years of its mission. The sample is dominated by 4 blazars: 3C 454.3, PKS 1510-089, PKS 1222+216 and 3C 273. For each flare, I calculate a light curve and variations of the photon index. For the whole sample, I study the distributions of the peak flux, peak luminosity, duration, time asymmetry, average photon index and photon index scatter. I find that: 1) flares produced by 3C 454.3 are longer and have more complex light curves than those produced by other blazars; 2) flares shorter than 1.5 days in the source frame tend to be time-asymmetric with the flux peak preceding the flare midpoint. These differences can be largely attributed to a smaller viewing angle of 3C 454.3 as compared to other blazars. Intrinsically, the gamma-ray emitting regions in blazar jets may be structured and consist of several domains. I find no regularity in the spectral gamma-ray variations of flaring blazars.
Locating the gamma-ray emission sites in blazar jets is a long-standing and highly controversial issue. We investigate jointly several constraints on the distance scale r and Lorentz factor Gamma of the gamma-ray emitting regions in luminous blazars (primarily flat spectrum radio quasars, FSRQs). Working in the framework of one-zone external radiation Comptonization (ERC) models, we perform a parameter space study for several representative cases of actual gamma-ray flares in their multiwavelength context. We find a particularly useful combination of three constraints: from an upper limit on the collimation parameter Gamma*theta <~ 1, from an upper limit on the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) luminosity L_SSC <~ L_X, and from an upper limit on the efficient cooling photon energy E_cool,obs <~ 100 MeV. These three constraints are particularly strong for sources with low accretion disk luminosity L_d. The commonly used intrinsic pair-production opacity constraint on Gamma is usually much weaker than the SSC constraint. The SSC and cooling constraints provide a robust lower limit on the collimation parameter Gamma*theta >~ 0.1 - 0.7. Typical values of r corresponding to moderate values of Gamma ~ 20 are in the range 0.1 - 1 pc, and are determined primarily by the observed variability time scale t_var,obs. Alternative scenarios motivated by the observed gamma-ray/mm connection, in which gamma-ray flares of t_var,obs ~ a few days are located at r ~ 10 pc, are in conflict with both the SSC and cooling constraints. Moreover, we use a simple light travel time argument to point out that the gamma-ray/mm connection does not provide a significant constraint on the location of gamma-ray flares. We argue that spine-sheath models of the jet structure do not offer a plausible alternative to external radiation fields at large distances, however, an extended broad-line region is an idea worth exploring.
156 - Qi Feng 2021
The highest-energy blazars exhibit non-thermal radiation extending beyond 1 TeV with high luminosities and strong variabilities, indicating extreme particle acceleration in their relativistic jets. The gamma-ray spectra of blazars contain information about the distribution and cooling processes of high-energy particles in jets, the extragalactic background light between the source and the observer, and potentially, the environment of the gamma-ray emitting region and exotic physics that may modify the opacity of the universe to gamma rays. We use data from Fermi-LAT and VERITAS to study the variability and spectra of a sample of TeV blazars across a wide range of gamma-ray energies, taking advantage of more than ten years of data from both instruments. The variability in both the GeV and TeV gamma-ray bands is investigated using a Bayesian blocks method to identify periods with a steady flux, during which the average gamma-ray spectra, after correcting for the pair absorption effect from propagation, can be parameterized without the risk of mixing different flux states. We report on the search for intrinsic spectral curvature and spectral variability in these blazars, in an effort to understand the physical mechanisms behind the high-energy gamma-ray spectra of TeV blazars.
We present centimeter-band total flux density and linear polarization light curves illustrating the signature of shocks during radio band outbursts associated in time with gamma-ray flares detected by the Fermi LAT. The general characteristics of the spectral evolution during these events is well-explained by new radiative transfer simulations incorporating propagating oblique shocks and assuming an initially turbulent magnetic field. This finding supports the idea that oblique shocks in the jet are a viable explanation for activity from the radio to the gamma-ray band in at least some gamma-ray flares.
We test different physically motivated models for the spectral shape of the $gamma$-ray emission in a sample of 128 blazars with known redshifts detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) at energies above 50 GeV. The first nine years of LAT data in the energy range from 300 MeV to 2 TeV are analyzed in order to extend the spectral energy coverage of the 2FHL blazars in our sample. We compare these spectral data to four leptonic models for the production of $gamma$-rays through Compton scattering by a population of electrons with different spectral shapes. In the first three models we consider Compton scattering in the Thomson regime with different acceleration mechanisms for the electrons. In the fourth model we consider Compton scattering by a pure power law distribution of electrons with spectral curvature due to scattering in the Klein-Nishina regime. The majority of blazar $gamma$-ray spectra are preferentially fit with either a power law with exponential cut-off in the Thomson regime or a power law electron distribution with Compton scattering in the Klein-Nishina regime, while a log-parabola with a low-energy power-law and broken power-law spectral shape in the Thomson regime appears systematically disfavoured, which is likely a consequence of the restriction to pure Thomson scattering which we imposed on those models. This finding may be an indication that the $gamma$-ray emission from FSRQs in the 2FHL catalog is dominated by Compton scattering of radiation from the dusty torus, while in the case of BL Lac objects, it is dominated by synchrotron self-Compton radiation.
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