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Significance in Gamma Ray Astronomy with Systematic Errors

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 Added by Gerrit Spengler
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The influence of systematic errors on the calculation of the statistical significance of a $gamma$-ray signal with the frequently invoked Li and Ma method is investigated. A simple criterion is derived to decide whether the Li and Ma method can be applied in the presence of systematic errors. An alternative method is discussed for cases where systematic errors are too large for the application of the original Li and Ma method. This alternative method reduces to the Li and Ma method when systematic errors are negligible. Finally, it is shown that the consideration of systematic errors will be important in many analyses of data from the planned Cherenkov Telescope Array.

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We describe a straightforward modification of frequently invoked methods for the determination of the statistical significance of a gamma-ray signal observed in a counting process. A simple criterion is proposed to decide whether a set of measurements of the numbers of photons registered in the source and background regions is consistent with the assumption of a constant source activity. This method is particularly suitable for immediate evaluation of the stability of the observed gamma-ray signal. It is independent of the exposure estimates, reducing thus the impact of systematic inaccuracies, and properly accounts for the fluctuations in the number of detected photons. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated on several examples. We discuss intensity changes for gamma-ray emitters detected at very high energies by the current gamma-ray telescopes (e.g. 1ES 0229+200, 1ES 1959+650 and PG 1553+113). Some of the measurements are quantified to be exceptional with large statistical significances.
During the last two decades Gamma-Ray Astronomy has emerged as a powerful tool to study cosmic ray physics. In fact, photons are not deviated by galactic or extragalactic magnetic fields so their directions bring the information of the production sites and are easier to detect than neutrinos. Thus the search for $gamma$ primarily address in the framework of the search of cosmic ray sources and to the investigation of the phenomena in the acceleration sites. This note is not a place for a review of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. We will introduce the experimental techniques used to detect photons from ground in the overwhelming background of CRs and briefly describe the experiments currently in data taking or under installation.
174 - M. de Naurois , D. Mazin 2015
Following the discovery of the cosmic rays by Victor Hess in 1912, more than 70 years and numerous technological developments were needed before an unambiguous detection of the first very-high-energy gamma-ray source in 1989 was made. Since this discovery the field on very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy experienced a true revolution: A second, then a third generation of instruments were built, observing the atmospheric cascades from the ground, either through the atmospheric Cherenkov light they comprise, or via the direct detection of the charged particles they carry. Present arrays, 100 times more sensitive than the pioneering experiments, have detected a large number of astrophysical sources of various types, thus opening a new window on the non-thermal Universe. New, even more sensitive instruments are currently being built; these will allow us to explore further this fascinating domain. In this article we describe the detection techniques, the history of the field and the prospects for the future of ground-based very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy.
106 - Henrike Fleischhack 2021
Recent detections of gravitational wave signals and neutrinos from gamma-ray sources have ushered in the era of multi-messenger astronomy, while highlighting the importance of gamma-ray observations for this emerging field. AMEGO-X, the All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-Ray Observatory eXplorer, is an MeV gamma-ray instrument that will survey the sky in the energy range from hundreds of keV to one GeV with unprecedented sensitivity. AMEGO-X will detect gamma-ray photons both via Compton interactions and pair production processes, bridging the sensitivity gap between hard X-rays and high-energy gamma rays. AMEGO-X will provide important contributions to multi-messenger science and time-domain gamma-ray astronomy, studying e.g. high-redshift blazars, which are probable sources of astrophysical neutrinos, and gamma-ray bursts. I will present an overview of the instrument and science program.
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is one of the currently operating Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. H.E.S.S. operates in the broad energy range from a few tens of GeV to more than 50 TeV reaching its best sensitivity around 1 TeV. In this contribution, we present an analysis technique, which is optimised for the detection at the highest energies accessible to H.E.S.S. and aimed to improve the sensitivity above 10 TeV. It includes the employment of improved event direction reconstruction and gamma-hadron separation. For the first time, also extensive air showers with event offsets up to 4.5$^{circ}$ from the camera centre are considered in the analysis, thereby increasing the effective Field-of-View of H.E.S.S. from 5$^{circ}$ to 9$^{circ}$. Key performance parameters of the new high-energy analysis are presented and its applicability demonstrated for representative hard-spectrum sources in the Milky Way.
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