Effect of charging on CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods single-photon emission

Abstract in English

The photon statistics of CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods nanocrystals is studied with a method involving post-selection of the photon detection events based on the photoluminescence count rate. We show that flickering between two states needs to be taken into account to interpret the single-photon emission properties. With post-selection we are able to identify two emitting states: the exciton and the charged exciton (trion), characterized by different lifetimes and different second order correlation functions. Measurements of the second order autocorrelation function at zero delay with post- selection shows a degradation of the single photon emission for CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods in a charged state that we explain by deriving the neutral and charged biexciton quantum yields.
