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Topological $R$PdBi half-Heusler semimetals: a new family of non-centrosymmetric magnetic superconductors

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 Added by Yasuyuki Nakajima
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report superconductivity and magnetism in a new family of topological semimetals, the ternary half Heusler compounds $R$PdBi ($R$ : rare earth). In this series, tuning of the rare earth $f$-electron component allows for simultaneous control of both lattice density via lanthanide contraction, as well as the strength of magnetic interaction via de Gennes scaling, allowing for a unique tuning of both the normal state band inversion strength, superconducting pairing and magnetically ordered ground states. Antiferromagnetism with ordering vector (0.5,0.5,0.5) occurs below a Neeel temperature that scales with de Gennes factor $dG$, while a superconducting transition is simultaneously linearly suppressed. With superconductivity appearing in a system with non-centrosymmetric crystallographic symmetry, the possibility of spin-triplet Cooper pairing with non-trivial topology analogous to that predicted for the normal state electronic structure provides a unique and rich opportunity to realize both predicted and new exotic excitations in topological materials.

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324 - N. Kimura , I. Bonalde 2012
In this chapter we discuss the physical properties of a particular family of non-centrosymmetric superconductors belonging to the class heavy-fermion compounds. This group includes the ferromagnet UIr and the antiferromagnets CeRhSi3, CeIrSi3, CeCoGe3, CeIrGe3 and CePt3Si, of which all but CePt3Si become superconducting only under pressure. Each of these superconductors has intriguing and interesting properties. We first analyze CePt3Si, then review CeRhSi3, CeIrSi3, CeCoGe3 and CeIrGe3, which are very similar to each other in their magnetic and electrical properties, and finally discuss UIr. For each material we discuss the crystal structure, magnetic order, occurrence of superconductivity, phase diagram, characteristic parameters, superconducting properties and pairing states. We present an overview of the similarities and differences between all these six compounds at the end.
268 - A. M. Nikitin , Y. Pan , X. Mao 2015
We report a study of the magnetic and electronic properties of the non-centrosymmetric half-Heusler antiferromagnet HoPdBi ($T_N = 2.0$ K). Magnetotransport measurements show HoPdBi has a semimetallic behaviour with a carrier concentration $n=3.7 times 10^{18}$ cm$^{-3}$ extracted from the Shubnikov-de Haas effect. The magnetic phase diagram in the field-temperature plane has been determined by transport, magnetization and thermal expansion measurements: magnetic order is suppressed at $B_Msim 3.6$ T for $T rightarrow 0$. Superconductivity with $T_c sim 1.9$ K is found in the antiferromagnetic phase. Ac-susceptibility measurements provide solid evidence for bulk superconductivity below $T_c = 0.75$ K with a screening signal close to a volume fraction of 100 %. The upper critical field shows an unusual linear temperature variation with $B_{c2}(T rightarrow 0) = 1.1$ T. We also report electronic structure calculations that classify HoPdBi as a new topological semimetal, with a non-trivial band inversion of 0.25 eV.
We discuss a novel physical mechanism which gives rise to a giant magnetoconductivity in non-centrosymmetric superconducting films. This mechanism is caused by a combination of spin-orbit interaction and inversion symmetry breaking in the system, and arises in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field ${bf H}_|$. It produces a contribution to the conductivity, which displays a strong dependence on the angle between the electric field ${bf E}$ and ${bf H}_|$, and is proportional to the inelastic relaxation time of quasiparticles. Since in typical situations the latter is much larger than the elastic one this contribution can be much larger than the conventional conductivity thus leading to giant microwave absorption.
The paramagnetic properties in non-centrosymmetric superconductors with and without antiferromagnetic (AFM) order are investigated with focus on the heavy Fermion superconductors, CePt_3Si, CeRhSi_3 and CeIrSi_3. First, we investigate the spin susceptibility in the linear response regime and elucidate the role of AFM order. The spin susceptibility at T=0 is independent of the pairing symmetry and increases in the AFM state. Second, the non-linear response to the magnetic field are investigated on the basis of an effective model for CePt_3Si which may be also applicable to CeRhSi_3 and CeIrSi_3. The role of antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling (ASOC), helical superconductivity, anisotropic Fermi surfaces and AFM order are examined in the dominantly s-, p- and d-wave states. We emphasize the qualitatively important role of the mixing of superconducting (SC) order parameters in the p-wave state which enhances the spin susceptibility and suppresses paramagnetic depairing effect in a significant way. Therefore, the dominantly p-wave superconductivity admixed with the s-wave order parameter is consistent with the paramagnetic properties of CePt_3Si at ambient pressure. We propose some experiments which can elucidate the novel pairing states in CePt_3Si as well as CeRhSi_3 and CeIrSi_3.
We formulate a theory for the polarization-dependence of the electronic (pair-breaking) Raman response for the recently discovered non-centrosymmetric superconductors in the clean limit at zero temperature. Possible applications include the systems CePt$_3$Si and Li$_2$Pd$_x$Pt$_{3-x}$B which reflect the two important classes of the involved spin-orbit coupling. We provide analytical expressions for the Raman vertices for these two classes and calculate the polarization dependence of the electronic spectra. We predict a two-peak structure and different power laws with respect to the unknown relative magnitude of the singlet and triplet contributions to the superconducting order parameter, revealing a large variety of characteristic fingerprints of the underlying condensate.
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