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On metrics defined by length spectra on Teichmuller spaces of surfaces with boundary

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 Added by Weixu Su
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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We prove that the length spectrum metric and the arc-length spectrum metric are almost-isometric on the $epsilon_0$-relative part of Teichmuller spaces of surfaces with boundary.

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204 - Qiyu Chen , Lixin Liu 2016
Let $X_{0}$ be a complete hyperbolic surface of infinite type with geodesic boundary which admits a countable pair of pants decomposition. As an application of the Basmajian identity for complete bordered hyperbolic surfaces of infinite type with limit sets of 1-dimensional measure zero, we define an asymmetric metric (which is called arc metric) on the quasiconformal Teichmuller space $mathcal{T}(X_{0})$ provided that $X_{0}$ satisfies a geometric condition. Furthermore, we construct several examples of hyperbolic surfaces of infinite type satisfying the geometric condition and discuss the relation between the Shigas condition and the geometric condition.
200 - Ren Guo , Feng Luo 2010
A family of coordinates $psi_h$ for the Teichmuller space of a compact surface with boundary was introduced in cite{l2}. In the work cite{m1}, Mondello showed that the coordinate $psi_0$ can be used to produce a natural cell decomposition of the Teichmuller space invariant under the action of the mapping class group. In this paper, we show that the similar result also works for all other coordinate $psi_h$ for any $h geq 0$.
273 - Lixin Liu , Weixu Su 2012
Extremal length is an important conformal invariant on Riemann surface. It is closely related to the geometry of Teichmuller metric on Teichmuller space. By identifying extremal length functions with energy of harmonic maps from Riemann surfaces to $mathbb{R}$-trees, we study the second variation of extremal length functions along Weil-Petersson geodesics. We show that the extremal length of any measured foliation is a pluri-subharmonic function on Teichmuller space.
Given a surface of infinite topological type, there are several Teichmuller spaces associated with it, depending on the basepoint and on the point of view that one uses to compare different complex structures. This paper is about the comparison between the quasiconformal Teichmuller space and the length-spectrum Teichmuller space. We work under this hypothesis that the basepoint is upper-bounded and admits short interior curves. There is a natural inclusion of the quasiconformal space in the length-spectrum space. We prove that, under the above hypothesis, the image of this inclusion is nowhere dense in the length-spectrum space. As a corollary we find an explicit description of the length-spectrum Teichmuller space in terms of Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates and we prove that the length-spectrum Teichmuller space is path-connected.
201 - Marissa Loving 2018
When geometric structures on surfaces are determined by the lengths of curves, it is natural to ask: which curves lengths do we really need to know? It is a result of Duchin--Leininger--Rafi that any flat metric induced by a unit-norm quadratic differential is determined by its marked simple length spectrum. We generalize the notion of simple curves to that of q-simple curves, for any positive integer q, and show that the lengths of q-simple curves suffice to determine a non-positively curved Euclidean cone metric induced by a q-differential.
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