Reversed anisotropy of the in-plane resistivity in the antiferromagnetic phase of iron tellurides

Abstract in English

We systematically investigated the anisotropic in-plane resistivity of the iron telluride including three kinds of impurity atoms: excess Fe, Se substituted for Te, and Cu substituted for Fe. Sizable resistivity anisotropy was found in the magneto-structurally ordered phase whereas the sign is opposite ($rho_a$ $>$ $rho_b$, where the $b$-axis parameter is shorter than the $a$-axis one) to that observed in the transition-metal doped iron arsenides ($rho_a$ $<$ $rho_b$). On the other hand, our results demonstrate that the magnitude of the resistivity anisotropy in the iron tellurides is correlated with the amount of impurities, implying that the resistivity anisotropy originates from an exotic impurity effect like that in the iron arsenides. This suggests that the anisotropic carrier scattering by impurities is a universal phenomenon in the magneto-structurally ordered phase of the iron-based materials.
