Gluon fragmentation into quarkonium at next-to-leading order

Abstract in English

We present the first calculation at next-to-leading order (NLO) in $alpha_s$ of a fragmentation function into quarkonium whose form at leading order is a nontrivial function of $z$, namely the fragmentation function for a gluon into a spin-singlet S-wave state at leading order in the relative velocity. To calculate the real NLO corrections, we introduce a new subtraction scheme that allows the phase-space integrals to be evaluated in 4 dimensions. We extract all ultraviolet and infrared divergences in the real NLO corrections analytically by calculating the phase-space integrals of the subtraction terms in $4-2epsilon$ dimensions. We also extract the divergences in the virtual NLO corrections analytically, and detail the cancellation of all divergences after renormalization. The NLO corrections have a dramatic effect on the shape of the fragmentation function, and they significantly increase the fragmentation probability.
