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Astrochemical Correlations in Molecular Clouds

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 Added by Bandt Gaches
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the spectral correlations between different species used to observe molecular clouds. We use hydrodynamic simulations and a full chemical network to study the abundances of over 150 species in typical Milky Way molecular clouds. We perform synthetic observations in order to produce emission maps of a subset of these tracers. We study the effects of different lines of sight and spatial resolution on the emission distribution and perform a robust quantitative comparison of the species to each other. We use the Spectral Correlation Function (SCF), which quantifies the root mean squared difference between spectra separated by some length scale, to characterize the structure of the simulated cloud in position-position-velocity (PPV) space. We predict the observed SCF for a broad range of observational tracers, and thus, identify homologous species. In particular, we show that the pairs C and CO, C$^{+}$ and CN, NH$_3$ and H$_2$CS have very similar SCFs. We measure the SCF slope variation as a function of beam size for all species and demonstrate that the beam size has a distinct effect on different species emission. However, for beams of up to 10, placing the cloud at 1 kpc, the change is not large enough to move the SCF slopes into different regions of parameter space. The results from this study provide observational guidance for choosing the best tracer to probe various cloud length scales.

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88 - A. Tritsis , K. Tassis 2016
Dust continuum and molecular observations of the low column density parts of molecular clouds have revealed the presence of elongated structures which appear to be well aligned with the magnetic field. These so-called striations are usually assumed to be streams that flow towards or away from denser regions. We perform ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations adopting four models that could account for the formation of such structures. In the first two models striations are created by velocity gradients between ambient, parallel streamlines along magnetic field lines. In the third model striations are formed as a result of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability perpendicular to field lines. Finally, in the fourth model striations are formed from the nonlinear coupling of MHD waves due to density inhomogeneities. We assess the validity of each scenario by comparing the results from our simulations with previous observational studies and results obtained from the analysis of CO (J = 1 - 0) observations from the Taurus molecular cloud. We find that the first three models cannot reproduce the density contrast and the properties of the spatial power spectrum of a perpendicular cut to the long axes of striations. We conclude that the nonlinear coupling of MHD waves is the most probable formation mechanism of striations.
Using self-gravitational hydrodynamical numerical simulations, we investigated the evolution of high-density turbulent molecular clouds swept by a colliding flow. The interaction of shock waves due to turbulence produces networks of thin filamentary clouds with a sub-parsec width. The colliding flow accumulates the filamentary clouds into a sheet cloud and promotes active star formation for initially high-density clouds. Clouds with a colliding flow exhibit a finer filamentary network than clouds without a colliding flow. The probability distribution functions (PDFs) for the density and column density can be fitted by lognormal functions for clouds without colliding flow. When the initial turbulence is weak, the column density PDF has a power-law wing at high column densities. The colliding flow considerably deforms the PDF, such that the PDF exhibits a double peak. The stellar mass distributions reproduced here are consistent with the classical initial mass function with a power-law index of $-1.35$ when the initial clouds have a high density. The distribution of stellar velocities agrees with the gas velocity distribution, which can be fitted by Gaussian functions for clouds without colliding flow. For clouds with colliding flow, the velocity dispersion of gas tends to be larger than the stellar velocity dispersion. The signatures of colliding flows and turbulence appear in channel maps reconstructed from the simulation data. Clouds without colliding flow exhibit a cloud-scale velocity shear due to the turbulence. In contrast, clouds with colliding flow show a prominent anti-correlated distribution of thin filaments between the different velocity channels, suggesting collisions between the filamentary clouds.
Aims. We seek to understand how the 4.8 GHz formaldehyde absorption line is distributed in the MON R2, S156, DR17/L906, and M17/M18 regions. More specifically, we look for the relationship among the H2CO, 12CO, and 13CO spectral lines. Methods. The four regions of MON R2 (60x90), S156 (50x70), DR17/L906 (40x60), and M17 /M18 (70x80)were observed for H2CO (beam 10), H110a recombination (beam 10), 6 cm continuum (beam 10), 12CO (beam 1), and 13CO (beam 1). We compared the H2CO,12CO,13CO, and continuum distributions, and also the spectra line parameters of H2CO,12CO, and 13CO. Column densities of H2CO,13CO, and H2 were also estimated. Results. We found out that the H2CO distribution is similar to the 12CO and the 13CO distributions on a large scale. The correlation between the 13 CO and the H2CO distributions is better than between the 12CO and H2CO distributions. The H2CO and the 13CO tracers systematically provide consistent views of the dense regions. T heir maps have similar shapes, sizes, peak positions, and molecular spectra and present similar centr al velocities and line widths. Such good agreement indicates that the H2CO and the 13CO arise from similar regions.
A deep objective-prism survey for H-alpha emission stars towards the Canis Major star-forming clouds was performed. A total of 398 Halpha emitters were detected, 353 of which are new detections. There is a strong concentration of these H-alpha emitters towards the molecular clouds surrounding the CMa~OB1 association, and it is likely that these stars are young stellar objects recently born in the clouds. An additional population of H-alpha emitters is scattered all across the region, and probably includes unrelated foreground dMe stars and background Be stars. About 90% of the H-alpha emitters are detected by WISE, of which 75% was detected with usable photometry. When plotted in a WISE colour-colour diagram it appears that the majority are Class II YSOs. Coordinates and finding charts are provided for all the new stars, and coordinates for all the detections. We searched the Gaia-DR2 catalogue and from 334 Halpha emission stars with useful parallaxes, we selected a subset of 98 stars that have parallax errors of less than 20% and nominal distances in the interval 1050 to 1350 pc that surrounds a strong peak at 1185 pc in the distance distribution. Similarly, Gaia distances were obtained for 51 OB-stars located towards Canis Major and selected with the same parallax errors as the H-alpha stars. We find a median distance for the OB stars of 1182 pc, in excellent correspondence with the distance from the H-alpha stars. Two known runaway stars are confirmed as members of the association. Finally, two new Herbig-Haro objects are identified.
326 - Xuefang Xu , Di Li , Y.Sophia Dai 2020
We have analyzed the rotational properties of 12 clumps using $^{13}$CO (1--0) and C$^{18}$O (1--0) maps of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory 13.7 m radio telescope. The clumps, located within molecular clouds, have radii ($R$) in the range of 0.06 -- 0.27,pc. The direction of clump elongation is not correlated with the direction of the velocity gradient. We measured the specific angular momentum (J/M) to be between 0.0022 and 0.025 pc,km,s$^{-1}$ based on $^{13}$CO images, and between 0.0025 and 0.021 pc,km,s$^{-1}$ based on C$^{18}$O images. The consistency of $J/M$ based on different tracers indicates the $^{13}$CO and C$^{18}$O in dense clumps trace essentially the same material despite significantly different opacities. We also found that $J/M$ increases monotonically as a function of $R$ in power--law form, $J/M~propto~R^{1.58~pm~0.11}$. The ratio between rotation energy and gravitational energy, $beta$, ranges from 0.0012 to 0.018. The small values of $beta$ imply that rotation alone is not sufficient to support the clump against gravitational collapse.
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