Asymptotic derivation of Langevin-like equation with non-Gaussian noise and its analytical solution

Abstract in English

We asymptotically derive a non-linear Langevin-like equation with non-Gaussian white noise for a wide class of stochastic systems associated with multiple stochastic environments, by developing the expansion method in our previous paper [K. Kanazawa et al., arXiv: 1407.5267 (2014)]. We further obtain a full-order asymptotic formula of the steady distribution function in terms of a large friction coefficient for a non-Gaussian Langevin equation with an arbitrary non-linear frictional force. The first-order truncation of our formula leads to the independent-kick model and the higher-order correction terms directly correspond to the multiple-kicks effect during relaxation. We introduce a diagrammatic representation to illustrate the physical meaning of the high-order correction terms. As a demonstration, we apply our formula to a granular motor under Coulombic friction and get good agreement with our numerical simulations.
