Determinstic Generation of a Quantum Dot-Confined Triexciton and its Radiative Decay via Three-Photon Cascade

Abstract in English

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have potential applications in quantum information processing due to the fact that they are potential on-demand sources of single and entangled photons. Generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs was demonstrated using the biexciton-exciton radiative cascade. One obvious way to increase the number of quantum correlated photons that the QDs emit is to use higher-order multiexcitons, in particular the triexciton. Towards achieving this goal, we first demonstrate deterministic generation of the QD-confined triexciton in a well-definedcoherent state and then spectrally identify and directly measure a three-photon radiative cascade resulting from the sequential triexciton-biexciton-exciton radiative recombination.
