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Diffraction by an impedance strip II. Solving Riemann-Hilbert problems by OE-equation method

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 Added by Andrey Shanin V
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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The current paper is the second part of a series of two papers dedicated to 2D problem of diffraction of acoustic waves by a segment bearing impedance boundary conditions. In the first part some preliminary steps were made, namely, the problem was reduced to two matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem. Here the Riemann-Hilbert problems are solved with the help of a novel method of OE-equations. Each Riemann-Hilbert problem is embedded into a family of similar problems with the same coefficient and growth condition, but with some other cuts. The family is indexed by an artificial parameter. It is proven that the dependence of the solution on this parameter can be described by a simple ordinary differential equation (ODE1). The boundary conditions for this equation are known and the inverse problem of reconstruction of the coefficient of ODE1 from the boundary conditions is formulated. This problem is called the OE-equation. The OE-equation is solved by a simple numerical algorithm.

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A 2D problem of acoustic wave scattering by a segment bearing impedance boundary conditions is considered. In the current paper (the first part of a series of two) some preliminary steps are made, namely, the diffraction problem is reduced to two matrix Riemann-Hilbert problems with exponential growth of unknown functions (for the symmetrical part and for the antisymmetrical part). For this, the Wiener--Hopf problems are formulated, they are reduced to auxiliary functional problems by applying the embedding formula, and finally the Riemann-Hilbert problems are formulated by applying the Hurds method. In the second part the Riemann-Hilbert problems will be solved by a novel method of OE-equation.
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