Zermelo navigation in pseudo-Finsler metrics

Abstract in English

We generalize the notion of Zermelo navigation to arbitrary pseudo-Finsler metrics possibly defined in conic subsets. The translation of a pseudo-Finsler metric $F$ is a new pseudo-Finsler metric whose indicatrix is the translation of the indicatrix of $F$ by a vector field $W$ at each point, where $W$ is an arbitrary vector field. Then we show that the Matsumoto tensor of a pseudo-Finsler metric is equal to zero if and only if it is the translation of a semi-Riemannian metric, and when $W$ is homothetic, the flag curvature of the translation coincides with the one of the original one up to the addition of a non-positive constant. In this case, we also give a description of the geodesic flow of the translation.
