BRST-BFV Lagrangian Formulations for Higher Spin Fields subject to two-column Young Tableaux

Abstract in English

The details of Lagrangian description of irreducible integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare group with an Young tableaux $Y[hat{s}_1,hat{s}_2]$ having $2$ columns are considered for Bose particles propagated on an arbitrary dimensional Minkowski space-time. The procedure is based, first, on using of an auxiliary Fock space generated by Fermi oscillators (antisymmetric basis), second, on construction of the Verma module and finding auxiliary oscillator realization for $sl(2)oplus sl(2)$ algebra which encodes the second-class operator constraints subsystem in the HS symmetry superalgebra. Application of an BRST-BFV receipt permits to reproduce gauge-invariant Lagrangians with reducible gauge symmetries describing the free dynamics of both massless and massive mixed-antisymmetric bosonic fields of any spin with appropriate number of gauge and Stueckelberg fields. The general prescription possesses by the possibility to derive constrained Lagrangians with only BRST-invariant extended algebraic constraints which describes the Poincare group irreducible representations in terms of mixed-antisymmetric tensor fields with 2 group indices.
