Fermion masses without symmetry breaking in two spacetime dimensions

Abstract in English

I study the prospect of generating mass for symmetry-protected fermions without breaking the symmetry that forbids quadratic mass terms in the Lagrangian. I focus on 1+1 spacetime dimensions in the hope that this can provide guidance for interacting fermions in 3+1 dimensions. I first review the SO(8) Gross-Neveu model and emphasize a subtlety in the triality transformation. Then I focus on the m = 0 manifold of the SO(7) Kitaev-Fidkowski model. I argue that this theory exhibits a phenomenon similar to parity doubling in hadronic physics, and this leads to the conclusion that the fermion propagator vanishes when p = 0. I also briefly explore a connection between this model and the two-channel, single-impurity Kondo effect. This paper may serve as an introduction to topological superconductors for high energy theorists, and perhaps as a taste of elementary particle physics for condensed matter theorists.
