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Flat band ferromagnetism without connectivity conditions in the flat band

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 Added by Zsolt Gulacsi
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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It is known that a system which exhibits a half filled lowest flat band and the localized one-particle Wannier states on the flat band satisfy the connectivity conditions, is always ferromagnetic. Without the connectivity conditions on the flat band, the system is non-magnetic. We show that this is not always true. The reason is connected to a peculiar behavior of the band situated just above the flat band.

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218 - R. Pons , A. Mielke , 2020
We discuss twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) based on a theorem of flat band ferromagnetism put forward by Mielke and Tasaki. According to this theorem, ferromagnetism occurs if the single particle density matrix of the flat band states is irreducible and we argue that this result can be applied to the quasi-flat bands of TBG that emerge around the charge-neutrality point for twist angles around the magic angle $thetasim1.05^circ$. We show that the density matrix is irreducible in this case, thus predicting a ferromagnetic ground state for neutral TBG ($n=0$). We then show that the theorem can also be applied only to the flat conduction or valence bands, if the substrate induces a single-particle gap at charge neutrality. Also in this case, the corresponding density matrix turns out to be irreducible, leading to ferromagnetism at half filling ($n=pm2$).
We study the flat-band ferromagnetic phase of a topological Hubbard model within a bosonization formalism and, in particular, determine the spin-wave excitation spectrum. We consider a square lattice Hubbard model at 1/4-filling whose free-electron term is the pi-flux model with topologically nontrivial and nearly flat energy bands. The electron spin is introduced such that the model either explicitly breaks time-reversal symmetry (correlated flat-band Chern insulator) or is invariant under time-reversal symmetry (correlated flat-band $Z_2$ topological insulator). We generalize for flat-band Chern and topological insulators the bosonization formalism [Phys. Rev. B 71, 045339 (2005)] previously developed for the two-dimensional electron gas in a uniform and perpendicular magnetic field at filling factor u=1. We show that, within the bosonization scheme, the topological Hubbard model is mapped into an effective interacting boson model. We consider the boson model at the harmonic approximation and show that, for the correlated Chern insulator, the spin-wave excitation spectrum is gapless while, for the correlated topological insulator, gapped. We briefly comment on the possible effects of the boson-boson (spin-wave--spin-wave) coupling.
We study the flat-band ferromagnetic phase of the Haldane-Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice within a bosonization scheme for flat-band Chern insulators, focusing on the calculation of the spin-wave excitation spectrum. We consider the Haldane-Hubbard model with the noninteracting lower bands in a nearly-flat band limit, previously determined for the spinless model, and at 1/4-filling of its corresponding noninteracting limit. Within the bosonization scheme, the Haldane-Hubbard model is mapped into an effective interacting boson model, whose quadratic term allows us to determine the spin-wave spectrum at the harmonic approximation. We show that the excitation spectrum has two branches with a Goldstone mode and Dirac points at center and at the K and K points of the first Brillouin zone, respectively. We also consider the effects on the spin-wave spectrum due to an energy offset in the on-site Hubbard repulsion energies and due to the presence of an staggered on-site energy term, both quantities associated with the two triangular sublattices. In both cases, we find that an energy gap opens at the K and K points. Moreover, we also find some evidences for an instability of the flat-band ferromagnetic phase in the presence of the staggered on-site energy term. We provide some additional results for the square lattice topological Hubbard model previous studied within the bosonization formalism and comment on the differences between the bosonization scheme implementation for the correlated Chern insulators on both square and honeycomb lattices.
107 - Jing-Yang You , Bo Gu , 2019
In recent experiments, superconductivity and correlated insulating states were observed in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) with small magic angles, which highlights the importance of the flat bands near Fermi energy. However, the moire pattern of TBG consists of more than ten thousand carbon atoms that is not easy to handle with conventional methods. By density functional theory calculations, we obtain a flat band at E$_F$ in a novel carbon monolayer coined as cyclicgraphdiyne with the unit cell of eighteen atoms. By doping holes into cyclicgraphdiyne to make the flat band partially occupied, we find that cyclicgraphdiyne with 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 hole doping concentration shows ferromagnetism (half-metal) while the case without doping is nonmagnetic, indicating a hole-induced nonmagnetic-ferromagnetic transition. The calculated conductivity of cyclicgraphdiyne with 1/8, 1/4 and 3/8 hole doping concentration is much higher than that without doping or with 1/2 hole doping. These results make cyclicgraphdiyne really attractive. By studying several carbon monolayers, we find that a perfect flat band may occur in the lattices with both separated or corner-connected triangular motifs with only including nearest-neighboring hopping of electrons, and the dispersion of flat band can be tuned by next-nearest-neighboring hopping. Our results shed insightful light on the formation of flat band in TBG. The present study also poses an alternative way to manipulate magnetism through doping flat band in carbon materials.
173 - Zsolt Gulacsi 2014
For a general class of conducting polymers with arbitrary large unit cell and different on-site Coulomb repulsion values on different type of sites, I demonstrate in exact terms the emergence possibility of an upper, interaction created effective flat band. This last appears as a consequence of a kinetic energy quench accompanied by a strong interaction energy decrease, and leads to a non-saturated ferromagnetic state. This ordered state clearly differs from the known flat-band ferromagnetism. This is because it emerges in a system without bare flat bands, requires inhomogeneous on-site Coulomb repulsions values, and possesses non-zero lower interaction limits at the emergence of the ordered phase.
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