Stability of Vortex Solutions to an Extended Navier-Stokes System

Abstract in English

We study the long-time behavior an extended Navier-Stokes system in $R^2$ where the incompressibility constraint is relaxed. This is one of several reduced models of Grubb and Solonnikov 89 and was revisited recently (Liu, Liu, Pego 07) in bounded domains in order to explain the fast convergence of certain numerical schemes (Johnston, Liu 04). Our first result shows that if the initial divergence of the fluid velocity is mean zero, then the Oseen vortex is globally asymptotically stable. This is the same as the Gallay Wayne 05 result for the standard Navier-Stokes equations. When the initial divergence is not mean zero, we show that the analogue of the Oseen vortex exists and is stable under small perturbations. For completeness, we also prove global well-posedness of the system we study.
