Noncentrosymmetric structural transitions in ultrashort ferroelectric AGaO$_{3}$/AGaO$_{3}$ superlattices

Abstract in English

The effect of octahedral tilting on the acentric structural transitions in AGaO$_{3}$/AGaO$_{3}$ [001], [110], and [111] superlattices (A, A = La, Pr, Nd) is studied using density functional theory. We find the displacive transitions are driven by two octahedral rotations modes (a$^{-}$a$^{-}$c$^{0}$ and a$^{0}$a$^{0}$c$^{+}$ tilting), with amplitudes that depend on the A and A chemistry and cation ordering direction. We find the ground states structures of the [001] and [111] ordered superlattices are polar. The coupling of octahedral tilting modes through a hybrid improper ferroelectric mechanism induces the polar displacements and produces the macroscopic electric polarizations.
