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Observations of the M82 SN 2014J with the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope

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 Added by Keivan G. Stassun
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report observations of the bright M82 supernova 2014J serendipitously obtained with the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT). The SN was observed at high cadence for over 100 days, from pre-explosion, to early rise and peak times, through the secondary bump. The high cadence KELT data with high S/N is completely unique for SN 2014J and for any other SNIa, with the exception of the (yet) unpublished Kepler data. Here, we report determinations of the SN explosion time and peak time. We also report measures of the smoothness of the light curve on timescales of minutes/hours never before probed, and we use this to place limits on energy produced from short-lived isotopes or inhomogeneities in the explosion or the circumstellar medium. From the non-observation of significant perturbations of the light curves, we derive a 3sigma upper-limit corresponding to 8.7 x 10^36 erg/s for any such extra sources of luminosity at optical wavelengths.

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We present optical and near infrared (NIR) observations of the nearby Type Ia SN 2014J. Seventeen optical and twenty-three NIR spectra were obtained from 10 days before ($-$10d) to 10 days after (+10d) the time of maximum $B$-band brightness. The relative strengths of absorption features and their patterns of development can be compared at one day intervals throughout most of this period. Carbon is not detected in the optical spectra, but we identify CI $lambda$ 1.0693 in the NIR spectra. We find that MgII lines with high oscillator strengths have higher initial velocities than other MgII lines. We show that the velocity differences can be explained by differences in optical depths due to oscillator strengths. The spectra of SN 2014J show it is a normal SN Ia, but many parameters are near the boundaries between normal and high-velocity subclasses. The velocities for OI, MgII, SiII, SII, CaII and FeII suggest that SN 2014J has a layered structure with little or no mixing. That result is consistent with the delayed detonation explosion models. We also report photometric observations, obtained from $-$10d to +29d, in the $UBVRIJH$ and $K_s$ bands. SN 2014J is about 3 magnitudes fainter than a normal SN Ia at the distance of M82, which we attribute to extinction in the host. The template fitting package SNooPy is used to interpret the light curves and to derive photometric parameters. Using $R_V$ = 1.46, which is consistent with previous studies, SNooPy finds that $A_V = 1.80$ for $E(B-V)_{host}=1.23 pm 0.01$ mag. The maximum $B$-band brightness of $-19.19 pm 0.10$ mag was reached on February 1.74 UT $ pm 0.13$ days and the supernova had a decline parameter of $Delta m_{15}=1.11 pm 0.02$ mag.
The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) has been surveying more than $70%$ of the celestial sphere for nearly a decade. While the primary science goal of the survey is the discovery of transiting, large-radii planets around bright host stars, the survey has collected more than $10^6$ images, with a typical cadence between $10-30$ minutes, for more than $4$ million sources with apparent visual magnitudes in the approximate range $7<V<13$. Here we provide a catalog of 52,741 objects showing significant large-amplitude fluctuations likely caused by stellar variability and 62,229 objects identified with likely stellar rotation periods. The detected variability ranges in $rms$-amplitude from 3 mmag to 2.3 mag, and the detected periods range from $sim$0.1 days to $gtrsim$2000 days. We provide variability upper limits for all other $sim$4 million sources. These upper limits are principally a function of stellar brightness, but we achieve typical 1$sigma$ sensitivity on 30-minute timescales down to $sim5$ mmag at $Vsim 8$, and down to $sim43$ mmag at $Vsim 13$. We have matched our catalog to the $TESS$ Input catalog and the AAVSO Variable Star Index to precipitate the follow up and classification of each source. The catalog is maintained as a living database on the Filtergraph visualization portal at the URL$_$vars
103 - Joshua Pepper , Keivan Stassun , 2018
The KELT project was originally designed as a small-aperture, wide-field photometric survey that would be optimally sensitive to planets transiting bright (V~8-10) stars. This magnitude range corresponded to the gap between the faint magnitude limit where radial velocity surveys were complete, and the bright magnitude limit for transiting planet hosts routinely found by dedicated ground-based transit surveys. Malmquist bias and other factors have also led the KELT survey to focus on discovering planets transiting relatively hot host stars as well. To date, the survey has discovered 22 transiting hot Jupiters, including some of the brightest transiting planet host stars known to date. Over half of these planets transit rapidly-rotating stars with Teff > 6250 K, which had been largely eschewed by both radial velocity and transit surveys, due to the challenge of obtaining precision radial velocities for such stars. The KELT survey has developed a protocol and specialized software for confirming transiting planets around stars rotating as rapidly as ~200 km/s. This chapter reviews KELT planet discoveries, describes their scientific value, and also briefly discusses the non-exoplanet science produced by the KELT project, especially long-timescale phenomena and preparations for the TESS mission.
62 - Yi Yang , Lifan Wang (1 2018
Optical polarimetry is an effective way of probing the environment of supernova for dust. We acquired linear HST ACS/WFC polarimetry in bands $F475W$, $F606W$, and $F775W$ of the supernova (SN) 2014J in M82 at six epochs from $sim$277 days to $sim$1181 days after the $B$-band maximum. The polarization measured at day 277 shows conspicuous deviations from other epochs. These differences can be attributed to at least $sim$ 10$^{-6} M_{odot}$ of circumstellar dust located at a distance of $sim5times10^{17}$ cm from the SN. The scattering dust grains revealed by these observations seem to be aligned with the dust in the interstellar medium that is responsible for the large reddening towards the supernova. The presence of this circumstellar dust sets strong constraints on the progenitor system that led to the explosion of SN,2014J; however, it cannot discriminate between single- and double-degenerate models.
SN 2014J in M82 is the closest detected Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) in at least 28 years and perhaps in 410 years. Despite its small distance of 3.3 Mpc, SN 2014J is surprisingly faint, peaking at V = 10.6 mag, and assuming a typical SN Ia luminosity, we infer an observed visual extinction of A_V = 2.0 +/- 0.1 mag. But this picture, with R_V = 1.6 +/- 0.2, is too simple to account for all observations. We combine 10 epochs (spanning a month) of HST/STIS ultraviolet through near-infrared spectroscopy with HST/WFC3, KAIT, and FanCam photometry from the optical to the infrared and 9 epochs of high-resolution TRES spectroscopy to investigate the sources of extinction and reddening for SN 2014J. We argue that the wide range of observed properties for SN 2014J is caused by a combination of dust reddening, likely originating in the interstellar medium of M82, and scattering off circumstellar material. For this model, roughly half of the extinction is caused by reddening from typical dust (E(B-V ) = 0.45 mag and R_V = 2.6) and roughly half by scattering off LMC-like dust in the circumstellar environment of SN 2014J.
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