A Spitzer Five-Band Analysis of the Jupiter-Sized Planet TrES-1

Abstract in English

With an equilibrium temperature of 1200 K, TrES-1 is one of the coolest hot Jupiters observed by {Spitzer}. It was also the first planet discovered by any transit survey and one of the first exoplanets from which thermal emission was directly observed. We analyzed all {Spitzer} eclipse and transit data for TrES-1 and obtained its eclipse depths and brightness temperatures in the 3.6 {micron} (0.083 % {pm} 0.024 %, 1270 {pm} 110 K), 4.5 {micron} (0.094 % {pm} 0.024 %, 1126 {pm} 90 K), 5.8 {micron} (0.162 % {pm} 0.042 %, 1205 {pm} 130 K), 8.0 {micron} (0.213 % {pm} 0.042 %, 1190 {pm} 130 K), and 16 {micron} (0.33 % {pm} 0.12 %, 1270 {pm} 310 K) bands. The eclipse depths can be explained, within 1$sigma$ errors, by a standard atmospheric model with solar abundance composition in chemical equilibrium, with or without a thermal inversion. The combined analysis of the transit, eclipse, and radial-velocity ephemerides gives an eccentricity $e = 0.033^{+0.015}_{-0.031}$, consistent with a circular orbit. Since TrES-1s eclipses have low signal-to-noise ratios, we implemented optimal photometry and differential-evolution Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms in our Photometry for Orbits, Eclipses, and Transits (POET) pipeline. Benefits include higher photometric precision and sim10 times faster MCMC convergence, with better exploration of the phase space and no manual parameter tuning.
