Short-range correlations in the magnetic ground state of Na4Ir3O8

Abstract in English

The magnetic ground state of the hyper-kagome lattice in Na4Ir3O8 is explored via combined bulk magnetization, muon spin relaxation, and neutron scattering measurements. A short-range, frozen, state comprised of quasi-static moments develops below a characteristic temperature of T_F=6 K, revealing an inhomogeneous distribution of spins occupying the entirety of the sample volume. Quasi-static, short-range, spin correlations persist until at least 20 mK and differ substantially from the nominally dynamic response of a quantum spin liquid. Our data demonstrate that an inhomogeneous magnetic ground state arises in Na4Ir3O8 driven either by disorder inherent to the creation of the hyper-kagome lattice itself or stabilized via quantum fluctuations.
