Deterministic walk in an excited random environment

Abstract in English

Deterministic walk in an excited random environment is a non-Markov integer-valued process $(X_n)_{n=0}^{infty}$, whose jump at time $n$ depends on the number of visits to the site $X_n$. The environment can be understood as stacks of cookies on each site of $mathbb Z$. Once all cookies are consumed at a given site, every subsequent visit will result in a walk taking a step according to the direction prescribed by the last consumed cookie. If each site has exactly one cookie, then the walk ends in a loop if it ever visits the same site twice. If the number of cookies per site is increased to two, the walk can visit a site infinitely many times and still not end in a loop. Nevertheless the moments of $X_n$ are sub-linear in $n$ and we establish monotonicity results on the environment that imply large deviations.
