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Expansion of hydrogen-poor knots in the born-again planetary nebulae A30 and A78

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 Added by Xuan Fang
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We analyze the expansion of hydrogen-poor knots and filaments in the born-again planetary nebulae A30 and A78 based on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images obtained almost 20 yr apart. The proper motion of these features generally increases with distance to the central star, but the fractional expansion decreases, i.e., the expansion is not homologous. As a result, there is not a unique expansion age, which is estimated to be 610-950 yr for A30 and 600-1140 yr for A78. The knots and filaments have experienced complex dynamical processes: the current fast stellar wind is mass loaded by the material ablated from the inner knots; the ablated material is then swept up until it shocks the inner edges of the outer, hydrogen-rich nebula. The angular expansion of the outer filaments shows a clear dependence on position angle, indicating that the interaction of the stellar wind with the innermost knots channels the wind along preferred directions. The apparent angular expansion of the innermost knots seems to be dominated by the rocket effect of evaporating gas and by the propagation of the ionization front inside them. Radiation-hydrodynamical simulations show that a single ejection of material followed by a rapid onset of the stellar wind and ionizing flux can reproduce the variety of clumps and filaments at different distances from the central star found in A30 and A78.

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We present an infrared (IR) characterization of the born-again planetary nebulae (PNe) A30 and A78 using IR images and spectra. We demonstrate that the carbon-rich dust in A30 and A78 is spatially coincident with the H-poor ejecta and coexists with hot X-ray-emitting gas up to distances of 50$$ from the central stars (CSPNs). Dust forms immediately after the born-again event and survives for 1000 yr in the harsh environment around the CSPN as it is destroyed and pushed away by radiation pressure and dragged by hydrodynamical effects. Spitzer IRS spectral maps showed that the broad spectral features at 6.4 and 8.0 $mu$m, attributed to amorphous carbon formed in H-deficient environments, are associated with the disrupted disk around their CSPN, providing an optimal environment for charge exchange reactions with the stellar wind that produces the soft X-ray emission of these sources. Nebular and dust properties are modeled for A30 with Cloudy taking into account different carbonaceous dust species. Our models predict dust temperatures in the 40-230 K range, five times lower than predicted by previous works. Gas and dust masses for the born-again ejecta in A30 are estimated to be $M_mathrm{gas}=(4.41^{+0.55}_{-0.14})times10^{-3}$ M$_odot$ and $M_mathrm{dust}=(3.20^{+3.21}_{-2.06})times10^{-3}$ M$_odot$, which can be used to estimate a total ejected mass and mass-loss rate for the born-again event of $(7.61^{+3.76}_{-2.20})times10^{-3}$ M$_{odot}$ and $dot{M}=[5-60]times10^{-5}$ M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, respectively. Taking into account the carbon trapped into dust grains, we estimate that the C/O mass ratio of the H-poor ejecta of A30 is larger than 1, which favors the very late thermal pulse model over the alternate hypothesis of a nova-like event.
We report the discovery of a handful of optical hydrogen-poor knots in the central part of an extended infrared nebula centred on the [WO1] star WR 72, obtained by spectroscopic and imaging observations with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) images of the nebula show that it is composed of an extended almost circular halo (of $approx6$ arcmin or $approx2.4$ pc in diameter) and an elongated and apparently bipolar inner shell (of a factor of six smaller size), within which the knots are concentrated. Our findings indicate that WR 72 is a new member of the rare group of hydrogen-poor planetary nebulae, which may be explained through a very late thermal pulse of a post-AGB star, or by a merger of two white dwarfs.
239 - S. Kimeswenger 2008
While in the past spheroidicity was assumed, and still is used in modeling of most nebulae, we know now that only a small number of planetary nebulae (PNe) are really spherical or at least nearly round. Round planetary nebulae are the minority of objects. In case of those objects that underwent a very late helium flash (called VLTP or born-again PNe) it seems to be different. The first, hydrogen rich PN, is more or less round. The ejecta from the VLTP event is extremely asymmetrically. Angular momentum is mostly assumed to be the main reason for the asymmetry in PNe. Thus we have to find processes either changing their behavior within a few hundred to a few thousands of years or change their properties dramatically due to the variation of the abundance. They most likely have a strong link or dependency with the abundance of the ejecta.
Eight planetary nebulae have been identified as `born-again, a class of object typified by knotty secondary ejecta having low masses ($sim$$10^{-4}$ M$_{odot}$) with nearly no hydrogen. Abell 30, the archetype of the class, also belongs to a small subset of planetary nebulae that exhibit extreme abundance discrepancy factors (where Abell 30 is the most extreme), a phenomenon strongly linked to binary star interactions. We report the presence of light curve brightness variations having a period of 1.060 days that are highly suggestive of a binary central star in Abell 30. If confirmed, this detection supports the proposed link between binary central stars and extreme abundance discrepancies.
123 - S. Kimeswenger 2008
While in the past spherodicity was assumed, and still is used in modeling of most nebulae, we know now that only a small number of planetary nebulae (PNe) are really spherical or at least nearly round. Round planetary nebulae are the minority of objects. In the case of those objects that underwent a very late helium flash (called VLTP objects or ``born-again PNe) it seems to be different. The first, hydrogen-rich PN, is more or less round. The ejecta from the VLTP event, in contrast, are extremely asymmetrical.
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