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3-manifolds Modulo Surgery Triangles

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 Added by Lucas Culler H
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English
 Authors Lucas Culler

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Surgery triangles are an important computational tool in Floer homology. Given a connected oriented surface $Sigma$, we consider the abelian group $K(Sigma)$ generated by bordered 3-manifolds with boundary $Sigma$, modulo the relation that the three manifolds involved in any surgery triangle sum to zero. We show that $K(Sigma)$ is a finitely generated free abelian group and compute its rank. We also construct an explicit basis and show that it generates all bordered 3-manifolds in a certain stronger sense. Our basis is strictly contained in another finite generating set which was constructed previously by Baldwin and Bloom. As a byproduct we confirm a conjecture of Blokhuis and Brouwer on spanning sets for the binary symplectic dual polar space.

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For every $k geq 2$ we construct infinitely many $4k$-dimensional manifolds that are all stably diffeomorphic but pairwise not homotopy equivalent. Each of these manifolds has hyperbolic intersection form and is stably parallelisable. In fact we construct infinitely many such infinite sets. To achieve this we prove a realisation result for appropriate subsets of Krecks modified surgery monoid $ell_{2q+1}(mathbb{Z}[pi])$, analogous to Walls realisation of the odd-dimensional surgery obstruction $L$-group $L_{2q+1}^s(mathbb{Z}[pi])$.
165 - Yu Guo , Li Yu 2008
It is shown that any closed three-manifold M obtained by integral surgery on a knot in the three-sphere can always be constructed from integral surgeries on a 3-component link L with each component being an unknot in the three-sphere. It is also interesting to notice that infinitely many different integral surgeries on the same link L could give the same three-manifold M.
178 - E. Kogan 2019
Two triples of triangles having pairwise disjoint outlines in 3-space are called combinatorially isotopic if one triple can be obtained from the other by a continuous motion during which the outlines of the triangles remain pairwise disjoint. We conjecture that it can be algorithmically checked if an (ordered or unordered) triple of triangles is combinatorially isotopic to a triple of triangles having pairwise disjoint convex hulls. We also conjecture that any unordered triple of pairwise disjoint triangles in 3-space belongs to one of the 5 types of such triples listed in the paper. We present an elementary proof that triples of different types are not combinatorially isotopic.
221 - Henry Wilton 2008
We classify those compact 3-manifolds with incompressible toral boundary whose fundamental groups are residually free. For example, if such a manifold $M$ is prime and orientable and the fundamental group of $M$ is non-trivial then $M cong Sigmatimes S^1$, where $Sigma$ is a surface.
71 - Ryan Blair , Ricky Lee 2021
In this paper we explore the topological properties of self-replicating, 3-dimensional manifolds, which are modeled by idempotents in the (2+1)-cobordism category. We give a classification theorem for all such idempotents. Additionally, we characterize biologically interesting ways in which self-replicating 3-manifolds can embed in $mathbb{R}^3$.
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