A perturbation and generic smoothness of the Vafa-Witten moduli spaces on closed symplectic four-manifolds

Abstract in English

We prove a Freed-Uhlenbeck style generic smoothness theorem for the moduli space of solutions to the Vafa--Witten equations on a closed symplectic four-manifold by using a method developed by Feehan for the study of the $PU(2)$-monopole equations on smooth closed four-manifolds. We introduce a set of perturbation terms to the Vafa--Witten equations, and prove that the moduli space of solutions to the perturbed Vafa-Witten equations on a closed symplectic four-manifold for the structure group $SU(2)$ or $SO(3)$ is a smooth manifold of dimension zero for a generic choice of the perturbation parameters.
