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Cox rings over nonclosed fields

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 Added by Ulrich Derenthal
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English

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We give a definition of Cox rings and Cox sheaves for varieties over nonclosed fields that is compatible with torsors under quasitori, including universal torsors. We study their existence and classification, we make the relation to torsors precise, and we present arithmetic applications.

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93 - Olivier Benoist 2019
We give upper bounds for the level and the Pythagoras number of function fields over fraction fields of integral Henselian excellent local rings. In particular, we show that the Pythagoras number of $mathbb{R}((x_1,dots,x_n))$ is $leq 2^{n-1}$, which answers positively a question of Choi, Dai, Lam and Reznick.
A generalized Euler sequence over a complete normal variety X is the unique extension of the trivial bundle V otimes O_X by the sheaf of differentials Omega_X, given by the inclusion of a linear space V in Ext^1(O_X,Omega_X). For Lambda, a lattice of Cartier divisors, let R_Lambda denote the corresponding sheaf associated to V spanned by the first Chern classes of divisors in Lambda. We prove that any projective, smooth variety on which the bundle R_Lambda splits into a direct sum of line bundles is toric. We describe the bundle R_Lambda in terms of the sheaf of differentials on the characteristic space of the Cox ring, provided it is finitely generated. Moreover, we relate the finiteness of the module of sections of R_Lambda and of the Cox ring of Lambda.
332 - Yuri G. Zarhin 2020
These are notes of my lectures at the summer school Higher-dimensional geometry over finite fields in Goettingen, June--July 2007. We present a proof of Tates theorem on homomorphisms of abelian varieties over finite fields (including the $ell=p$ case) that is based on a quaternion trick. In fact, a a slightly stronger version of those theorems with finite coefficients is proven.
We determine the Cox rings of the minimal resolutions of cubic surfaces with at most rational double points, of blow ups of the projective plane at non-general configurations of six points and of three dimensional smooth Fano varieties of Picard numbers one and two.
141 - Chengfei Xie , Gennian Ge 2021
We study some sum-product problems over matrix rings. Firstly, for $A, B, Csubseteq M_n(mathbb{F}_q)$, we have $$ |A+BC|gtrsim q^{n^2}, $$ whenever $|A||B||C|gtrsim q^{3n^2-frac{n+1}{2}}$. Secondly, if a set $A$ in $M_n(mathbb{F}_q)$ satisfies $|A|geq C(n)q^{n^2-1}$ for some sufficiently large $C(n)$, then we have $$ max{|A+A|, |AA|}gtrsim minleft{frac{|A|^2}{q^{n^2-frac{n+1}{4}}}, q^{n^2/3}|A|^{2/3}right}. $$ These improve the results due to The and Vinh (2020), and generalize the results due to Mohammadi, Pham, and Wang (2021). We also give a new proof for a recent result due to The and Vinh (2020). Our method is based on spectral graph theory and linear algebra.
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