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A nonlocal polarization interferometer for entanglement detection

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 Added by Brian Williams
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report a nonlocal interferometer capable of detecting entanglement and identifying Bell states statistically. This is possible due to the interferometers unique correlation dependence on the anti-diagonal elements of the density matrix, which have distinct bounds for separable states and unique values for the four Bell states. The interferometer consists of two spatially separated balanced Mach-Zehnder or Sagnac interferometers that share a polarization entangled source. Correlations between these interferometers exhibit non-local interference, while single photon interference is suppressed. This interferometer also allows for a unique version of the CHSH-Bell test where the local reality is the photon polarization. We present the relevant theory and experimental results.

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Energy-time entangled biphoton source plays a great role in quantum communication, quantum metrology and quantum cryptography due to its strong temporal correlation and capability of nonlocal dispersion cancellation. As a quantum effect, nonlocal dispersion cancellation is further proposed as an alternative way for nonlocality test of continuous variable entanglement via the violation of Bell-like inequality proposed by Wasak et al. [Phys. Rev. A, 82, 052120 (2010)]. However, to date there is no experimental report either on the inequality violation or on a nonlocal detection with single-photon detectors at long-distance transmission channel, which is key for a true nonlocality test. In this paper, we report an experimental realization of a violation of the inequality after 62km optical fiber transmission at telecom wavelength with a nonlocal detection based on event timers and cross-correlation algorithm, which indicates a successful nonlocal test of energy-time entanglement. This work provides a new feasibility for the strict test of the nonlocality for continuous variables in both long-distance communication fiber channel and free space.
164 - Hao Zhang , Qian Liu , Xu-Sheng Xu 2017
Microwave photons have become very important qubits in quantum communication as the first quantum satellite has been launched successfully. Therefore, it is a necessary and meaningful task for ensuring the high security and efficiency of microwave-based quantum communication in practice. Here, we present an original polarization entanglement purification protocol for nonlocal microwave photons based on the cross-Kerr effect in circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). Our protocol can solve the problem that the purity of maximally entangled states used for constructing quantum channels will decrease due to decoherence from environment noise. This task is accomplished by means of the polarization parity-check quantum nondemolition (QND) detector, the bit-flipping operation, and the linear microwave elements. The QND detector is composed of several cross-Kerr effect systems which can be realized by coupling two superconducting transmission line resonators to a superconducting molecule with the N-type level structure. We give the applicable experimental parameters of QND measurement system in circuit QED and analyze the fidelities. Our protocol has good applications in long-distance quantum communication assisted by microwave photons in the future, such as satellite quantum communication.
We report on the generation of polarization squeezing of intense, short light pulses using an asymmetric fiber Sagnac interferometer. The Kerr nonlinearity of the fiber is exploited to produce independent amplitude squeezed pulses. The polarization squeezing properties of spatially overlapped amplitude squeezed and coherent states are discussed. The experimental results for a single amplitude squeezed beam are compared to the case of two phase-matched, spatially overlapped amplitude squeezed pulses. For the latter, noise variances of -3.4dB below shot noise in the S0 and the S1 and of -2.8dB in the S2 Stokes parameters were observed, which is comparable to the input squeezing magnitude. Polarization squeezing, that is squeezing relative to a corresponding polarization minimum uncertainty state, was generated in S1.
We derive an inequality bounding the strength of temporal correlations for a pair of light beams prepared in a separable state and propagating through dispersive media with opposite signs of group velocity dispersion. The presented inequality can be violated by entangled states of light, such as photon pairs produced in spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Because the class of separable states covers the entire category of classical fields as a particular case, this result provides an unambiguously quantum feature of nonlocal dispersion cancellation that cannot be reproduced within the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation.
We propose a simple setup for the conversion of multipartite entangled states in a quantum network with restricted access. The scheme uses nonlocal operations to enable the preparation of states that are inequivalent under local operations and classical communication, but most importantly does not require full access to the states. It is based on a flexible linear optical conversion gate that uses photons, which are ideally suited for distributed quantum computation and quantum communication in extended networks. In order to show the basic working principles of the gate, we focus on converting a four-qubit entangled cluster state to other locally inequivalent four-qubit states, such as the GHZ and symmetric Dicke state. We also show how the gate can be incorporated into extended graph state networks, and can be used to generate variable entanglement and quantum correlations without entanglement but nonvanishing quantum discord.
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