We report on gold foil activation measurements performed along a vertical channel along the tank of the ultracold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The activities obtained at various distances from the spallation target are in very good agreement with MCNPX simulations which take into account the detailed description of the source as built.
Ultracold neutrons provide a unique tool for the study of neutron properties. An overview is given of the ultracold neutron (UCN) source at PSI, which produces the highest UCN intensities to fundamental physics experiments by exploiting the high intensity proton beam in combination with the high UCN yield in solid deuterium at a temperature of 5K. We briefly list important fundamental physics results based on measurements with neutrons at PSI.
Novel experimental techniques are required to make the next big leap in neutron electric dipole moment experimental sensitivity, both in terms of statistics and systematic error control. The nEDM experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source (nEDM@SNS) will implement the scheme of Golub & Lamoreaux [Phys. Rep., 237, 1 (1994)]. The unique properties of combining polarized ultracold neutrons, polarized $^3$He, and superfluid $^4$He will be exploited to provide a sensitivity to $sim 10^{-28},e{rm ,cdot, cm}$. Our cryogenic apparatus will deploy two small ($3,{rm L}$) measurement cells with a high density of ultracold neutrons produced and spin analyzed in situ. The electric field strength, precession time, magnetic shielding, and detected UCN number will all be enhanced compared to previous room temperature Ramsey measurements. Our $^3$He co-magnetometer offers unique control of systematic effects, in particular the Bloch-Siegert induced false EDM. Furthermore, there will be two distinct measurement modes: free precession and dressed spin. This will provide an important self-check of our results. Following five years of critical component demonstration, our collaboration transitioned to a large scale integration phase in 2018. An overview of our measurement techniques, experimental design, and brief updates are described in these proceedings.
The neutron and its hypothetical mirror counterpart, a sterile state degenerate in mass, could spontaneously mix in a process much faster than the neutron $beta$-decay. Two groups have performed a series of experiments in search of neutron - mirror-neutron ($n-n$) oscillations. They reported no evidence, thereby setting stringent limits on the oscillation time $tau_{nn}$. Later, these data sets have been further analyzed by Berezhiani et al.(2009-2017), and signals, compatible with $n-n$ oscillations in the presence of mirror magnetic fields, have been reported. The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Collaboration based at the Paul Scherrer Institute performed a new series of experiments to further test these signals. In this paper, we describe and motivate our choice of run configurations with an optimal filling time of $29~$s, storage times of $180~$s and $380~$s, and applied magnetic fields of $10~mu$T and $20~mu$T. The choice of these run configurations ensures a reliable overlap in settings with the previous efforts and also improves the sensitivity to test the signals. We also elaborate on the technique of normalizing the neutron counts, making such a counting experiment at the ultra-cold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute possible. Furthermore, the magnetic field characterization to meet the requirements of this $n-n$ oscillation search is demonstrated. Finally, we show that this effort has a statistical sensitivity comparable to the current leading constraints for $n-n$ oscillations.
The HOmogeneous Thermal NEutron Source (HOTNES) is a new type of thermal neutron irradiation assembly developed by the ENEA-INFN collaboration. The facility is fully characterized in terms of neutron field and dosimetric quantities, by either computational and experimental methods. This paper reports the results of the first HOTNES users program, carried out in 2016, and covering a variety of thermal neutron active detectors such as scintillators, solid-state, single crystal diamond and gaseous detectors.
Ultracold neutrons (UCN) can be stored in suitable bottles and observed for several hundreds of seconds. Therefore UCN can be used to study in detail the fundamental properties of the neutron. A new user facility providing ultracold neutrons for fundamental physics research has been constructed at the Paul Scherrer Institute, the PSI UCN source. Assembly of the facility finished in December 2010 with the first production of ultracold neutrons. Operation approval was received in June 2011. We give an overview of the source and the status at startup.