Topological Floquet states on a Mobius band irradiated by circularly polarised light

Abstract in English

Topological states of matter in equilibrium, as well as out of equilibrium, have been thoroughly investigated during the last years in condensed-matter and cold-atom systems. However, the geometric topology of the studied samples is usually trivial, such as a ribbon or a cylinder. In this paper, we consider a graphene Mobius band irradiated with circularly polarised light. Interestingly, due to the non-orientability of the Mobius band, a homogeneous quantum Hall effect cannot exist in this system, but the quantum spin Hall effect can. To avoid this restriction, the irradiation is applied in a longitudinal-domain-wall configuration. In this way, the periodic time-dependent driving term tends to generate the quantum anomalous Hall effect. On the other hand, due to the bent geometry of the Mobius band, we expect a strong spin-orbit coupling, which may lead to quantum spin Hall-like topological states. Here, we investigate the competition between these two phenomena upon varying the amplitude and the frequency of the light, for a fixed value of the spin-orbit coupling strength. The topological properties are analysed by identifying the edge states in the Floquet spectrum at intermediate frequencies, when there are resonances between the light frequency and the energy difference between the conduction and valence bands of the graphene system.
