Magneto-transport properties of oriented Mn2CoAl films sputtered on thermally oxidized Si substrates

Abstract in English

Spin gapless semiconductors are interesting novel class of materials by embracing both magnetism and semiconducting. Its potential application in future spintronics requires realization in thin film form. In this letter, we report a successful growth of spin gapless Mn2CoAl films on thermally oxidized Si substrates by magnetron sputtering deposition. The films deposited at 673K are well oriented to (001) direction and display a uniform-crystalline surface. Magnetotransport measurements on the oriented films reveal a semiconducting-like resistivity, small anomalous Hall conductivity and linear magnetoresistance (MR) representative of the transport signatures of spin gapless semiconductors. The magnetic properties of the films have also been investigated and compared to that of bulk Mn2CoAl, with small discrepancy induced by the composition deviation.
