The intrinsic helicity of the elementary particles and the proof of the spin-statistics theorem

Abstract in English

The traditional Standard Quantum Mechanics is unable to solve the Spin-Statistics problem, i.e. to justify the utterly important Pauli Exclusion Principle. We show that this is due to the non completeness of the standard theory due to an arguable conception of the spin as a vector characterizing the rotational properties of the elementary particles. The present Article presents a complete and straightforward solution of the Spin-Statistics problem on the basis of the Conformal Quantum Geometrodynamics, a theory that has been proved to reproduce successfully all relevant processes of the Standard Quantum Mechanics based on the Dirac or Schrodinger equations, including Heisenberg uncertainty relations and nonlocal EPR correlations. When applied to a system made of many identical particles, an additional property of all elementary particles enters naturally into play: the intrinsic helicity. This property determines the correct Spin-Statistics connection observed in Nature.
