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Experimental device-independent verification of quantum steering

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 Added by Geoffrey J. Pryde
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Bell nonlocality between distant quantum systems---i.e., joint correlations which violate a Bell inequality---can be verified without trusting the measurement devices used, nor those performing the measurements. This leads to unconditionally secure protocols for quantum information tasks such as cryptographic key distribution. However, complete verification of Bell nonlocality requires high detection efficiencies, and is not robust to the typical transmission losses that occur in long distance applications. In contrast, quantum steering, a weaker form of quantum correlation, can be verified for arbitrarily low detection efficiencies and high losses. The cost is that current steering-verification protocols require complete trust in one of the measurement devices and its operator, allowing only one-sided secure key distribution. We present device-independent steering protocols that remove this need for trust, even when Bell nonlocality is not present. We experimentally demonstrate this principle for singlet states and states that do not violate a Bell inequality.

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If entanglement could be verified without any trust in the devices of observers, i.e., in a device-independent (DI) way, then unconditional security can be guaranteed for various quantum information tasks. In this work, we propose an experimental-friendly DI protocol to certify the presence of entanglement, based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering. We first establish the DI verification framework, relying on the measurement-device-independent technique and self-testing, and show it is able to verify all EPR-steerable states. In the context of three-measurement settings as per party, it is found to be noise robustness towards inefficient measurements and imperfect self-testing. Finally, a four-photon experiment is implemented to device-independently verify EPR-steering even for Bell local states. Our work paves the way for realistic implementations of secure quantum information tasks.
Within the framework of quantum refereed steering games, quantum steerability can be certified without any assumption on the underlying state nor the measurements involved. Such a scheme is termed the measurement-device-independent (MDI) scenario. Here we introduce a measure of steerability in an MDI scenario, i.e., the result merely depends on the observed statistics and the quantum inputs. We prove that such a measure satisfies the convex steering monotone. Moreover, it is robust against not only measurement biases but also losses. We also experimentally estimate the amount of the measure with an entangled photon source. As two by-products, our experimental results provide lower bounds on an entanglement measure of the underlying state and an incompatible measure of the involved measurement. Our research paves a way for exploring one-side device-independent quantum information processing within an MDI framework.
In a measurement-device-independent or quantum-refereed protocol, a referee can verify whether two parties share entanglement or Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering without the need to trust either of the parties or their devices. The need for trusting a party is substituted by a quantum channel between the referee and that party, through which the referee encodes the measurements to be performed on that partys subsystem in a set of nonorthogonal quantum states. In this Letter, an EPR-steering inequality is adapted as a quantum-refereed EPR-steering witness, and the trust-free experimental verification of higher dimensional quantum steering is reported via preparing a class of entangled photonic qutrits. Further, with two measurement settings, we extract $1.106pm0.023$ bits of private randomness per every photon pair from our observed data, which surpasses the one-bit limit for projective measurements performed on qubit systems. Our results advance research on quantum information processing tasks beyond qubits.
In this paper we report an experiment that verifies an atomic-ensemble quantum memory via a measurement-device-independent scheme. A single photon generated via Rydberg blockade in one atomic ensemble is stored in another atomic ensemble via electromagnetically induced transparency. After storage for a long duration, this photon is retrieved and interfered with a second photon to perform joint Bell-state measurement (BSM). Quantum state for each photon is chosen based on a quantum random number generator respectively in each run. By evaluating correlations between the random states and BSM results, we certify that our memory is genuinely entanglement-preserving.
Quantum tomography is currently the mainly employed method to assess the information of a system and therefore plays a fundamental role when trying to characterize the action of a particular channel. Nonetheless, quantum tomography requires the trust that the devices used in the laboratory perform state generation and measurements correctly. This work is based on the theoretical framework for the device-independent inference of quantum channels that was recently developed and experimentally implemented with superconducting qubits in [DallArno, Buscemi, Vedral, arXiv:1805.01159] and [DallArno, Brandsen, Buscemi, PRSA 473, 20160721 (2017)]. Here, we present a complete experimental test on a photonic setup of two device-independent quantum channels falsification and characterization protocols to analyze, validate, and enhance the results obtained by conventional quantum process tomography. This framework has fundamental implications in quantum information processing and may also lead to the development of new methods removing the assumptions typically taken for granted in all the previous protocols.
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