We discuss dissipative chaos showing symmetries in the phase space and nonclassical statistics for a parametrically driven nonlinear Kerr resonator (PDNR). In this system an oscillatory mode is created in the process of degenerate down-conversion of photons under interaction with a train of external Gaussian pulses. For chaotic regime we demonstrate, that the Poincare section showing a strange attractor, as well as the resonator mode contour plots of the Wigner functions display two-fold symmetry in the phase space. We show that quantum-to-classical correspondence is strongly violated for some chaotic regimes of the PDNR. Considering the second-order correlation function we show that the high-level of photons correlation leading to squeezing in the regular regime strongly decreases if the system transits to the chaotic regime. Thus, observation of the photon-number correlation allows to extract information about the chaotic regime.