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Geant4 and beyond: recent progress in precision physics modeling

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 Added by Maria Grazia Pia
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This extended abstract briefly summarizes ongoing research activity on the evaluation and experimental validation of physics methods for photon and electron transport. The analysis includes physics models currently implemented in Geant4 as well as modeling methods used in other Monte Carlo codes, or not yet considered in general purpose Monte Carlo simulation systems. The validation of simulation models is performed with the support of rigorous statistical methods, which involve goodness-of-fit tests followed by categorical analysis. All results are quantitative, and are fully documented.

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Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is an important physical effect that is not yet adequately modelled in Geant4. This paper provides a critical analysis of the problem domain associated with PIXE simulation and describes a set of software develo pments to improve PIXE simulation with Geant4. The capabilities of the developed software prototype are illustrated and applied to a study of the passive shielding of the X-ray detectors of the German eROSITA telescope on the upcoming Russian Spectrum-X-Gamma space mission.
442 - Bryan Fulsom 2007
While the charmonium model has been effective in describing ccbar bound mesons, there have been many recently discovered charmonium-like states it cannot accommodate. Here I provide a review of recent results from the B-factories including the X(3872), three new particles in the mass range near 3.93 GeV, and four new resonances in initial state radiation (ISR) decays.
79 - G.F. Giudice 1999
In this talk I discuss some recent developments in physics beyond the Standard Model. After some initial comments on neutrino masses, I discuss the status of low-energy supersymmetry and finally turn to describing some recent work in theories with extra spatial dimensions. Plenary talk at the XIX International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Stanford University, 9-14 August 1999.
164 - K.Murakami , K.Amako , H.Hirayama 2003
As simulation system, the variety of physics processes implemented is one of the most important functionalities. In that sense, Geant4 is one of the most powerful simulation toolkits. Its flexibility and expansibility brought by object-oriented approach make it possible for us to easily assimilate external simulation packages into the Geant4 system as modules of physics processes. We developed an interface for using EGS4, which is another of the most well-known simulation package for electromagnetic physics, in Geant4. By means of this interface, EGS4 users can share Geant4 powerful resources, such as geometry, tracking, etc. It is also important that it can provide a common environment for comparison tests between EGS4 and Geant4. In this paper, we describe our design and implementation of the interface.
168 - M. Augelli 2009
The Geant4 toolkit offers a rich variety of electromagnetic physics models; so far the evaluation of this Geant4 domain has been mostly focused on its physics functionality, while the features of its design and their impact on simulation accuracy, computational performance and facilities for verification and validation have not been the object of comparable attention yet, despite the critical role they play in many experimental applications. A new project is in progress to study the application of new design concepts and software techniques in Geant4 electromagnetic physics, and to evaluate how they can improve on the current simulation capabilities. The application of a policy-based class design is investigated as a means to achieve the objective of granular decomposition of processes; this design technique offers various advantages in terms of flexibility of configuration and computational performance. The current Geant4 physics models have been re-implemented according to the new design as a pilot project. The main features of the new design and first results of performance improvement and testing simplification are presented; they are relevant to many Geant4 applications, where computational speed and the containment of resources invested in simulation production and quality assurance play a critical role.
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