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Implementing cryptographic pairings at standard security levels

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 Added by Andreas Enge
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is English
 Authors Andreas Enge

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This study reports on an implementation of cryptographic pairings in a general purpose computer algebra system. For security levels equivalent to the different AES flavours, we exhibit suitable curves in parametric families and show that optimal ate and twisted ate pairings exist and can be efficiently evaluated. We provide a correct description of Millers algorithm for signed binary expansions such as the NAF and extend a recent variant due to Boxall et al. to addition-subtraction chains. We analyse and compare several algorithms proposed in the literature for the final exponentiation. Finally, we ive recommendations on which curve and pairing to choose at each security level.

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Lack of security expertise among software practitioners is a problem with many implications. First, there is a deficit of security professionals to meet current needs. Additionally, even practitioners who do not plan to work in security may benefit from increased understanding of security. The goal of this paper is to aid software engineering educators in designing a comprehensive software security course by sharing an experience running a software security course for the eleventh time. Through all the eleven years of running the software security course, the course objectives have been comprehensive - ranging from security testing, to secure design and coding, to security requirements to security risk management. For the first time in this eleventh year, a theme of the course assignments was to map vulnerability discovery to the security controls of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS). Based upon student performance on a final exploratory penetration testing project, this mapping may have increased students depth of understanding of a wider range of security topics. The students efficiently detected 191 unique and verified vulnerabilities of 28 different Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) types during a three-hour period in the OpenMRS project, an electronic health record application in active use.
Cryptographic protocols are often specified by narrations, i.e., finite sequences of message exchanges that show the intended execution of the protocol. Another use of narrations is to describe attacks. We propose in this paper to compile, when possible, attack describing narrations into a set of tests that honest participants can perform to exclude these executions. These tests can be implemented in monitors to protect existing implementations from rogue behaviour.
During the last few years, the explosion of Big Data has prompted cloud infrastructures to provide cloud-based database services as cost effective, efficient and scalable solutions to store and process large volume of data. Hence, NoSQL databases became more and more popular because of their inherent features of better performance and high scalability compared to other relational databases. However, with this deployment architecture where the information is stored in a public cloud, protection against the sensitive data is still being a major concern. Since the data owner does not have the full control over his sensitive data in a cloud-based database solution, many organizations are reluctant to move forward with Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) solutions. Some of the recent work addressed this issue by introducing additional layers to provide encryption mechanisms to encrypt data, however, these approaches are more application specific and they need to be properly evaluated to ensure whether they can achieve high performance with the scalability when it comes to large volume of data in a cloud-based production environment. This paper proposes a practical system design and implementation to provide Security-as-a-Service for NoSQL databases (SEC-NoSQL) while supporting the execution of query over encrypted data with guaranteed level of system performance. Several different models of implementations are proposed, and their performance is evaluated using YCSB benchmark considering large number of clients processing simultaneously. Experimental results show that our design fits well on encrypted data while maintaining the high performance and scalability. Moreover, to deploy our solution as a cloud-based service, a practical guide establishing Service Level Agreement (SLA) is also included.
265 - Andreas Enge 2013
We give an elementary and self-contained introduction to pairings on elliptic curves over finite fields. For the first time in the literature, the three different definitions of the Weil pairing are stated correctly and proved to be equivalent using Weil reciprocity. Pairings with shorter loops, such as the ate, ate$_i$, R-ate and optimal pairings, together with their twisted variants, are presented with proofs of their bilinearity and non-degeneracy. Finally, we review different types of pairings in a cryptographic context. This article can be seen as an update chapter to A. Enge, Elliptic Curves and Their Applications to Cryptography - An Introduction, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999.
Recent studies in the realization of Majorana fermion (MF) quasiparticles have focused on engineering topological superconductivity by combining conventional superconductors and spin-textured electronic materials. We propose an effective model to create unpaired MFs at a honeycomb lattice edge by generalizing a 2-dimensional topologically nontrivial Haldane model and introducing textured pairings. The core idea is to add both the spin-singlet and textured spin-triplet pairings to a pseudospin-state dependent, time-reversal symmetry (TRS) noninvariant honeycomb lattice, and to satisfy generalized sweet spot conditions as in the Kitaev chain model. Our model has a gapped superconducting phase and a gapless phase; either phase may have zero or nonzero topological winding numbers. The discriminant that distinguishes those two phases gives a measure of TRS breaking and may have more general implications. Effective Majorana zero modes arise at edges in distinct phases with different degrees of degeneracy. Our theoretical model motivates concepts, such as textured pairings and the strength of TRS breaking, that may play important roles in future implementation of MFs with cold atoms in optical lattices.
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