Improving the Moment Approach for Astrometric Binaries: Possible Application to Cygnus X-1

Abstract in English

A moment approach for orbit determinations of astrometric binaries from astrometric observations alone has been recently studied for a low signal-to-noise ratio (Iwama et al. 2013, PASJ, 65, 2). With avoiding a direct use of the time-consuming Kepler equation, temporal information is taken into account to increase the accuracy of statistical moments. As numerical tests, 100 realizations are done and the mean and the standard deviation are also evaluated. For a semi-major axis, the difference between the mean of the recovered values and the true value decreases to less than a tenth in the case of $10000$ observed points. Therefore, the present moment approach works better than the previous one for the orbit determinations when one has a number of the observed points. The present approach is thus applicable to Cyg X-1.
