Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy with Entangled Light; Enhanced Resolution and Pathway Selection

Abstract in English

We propose a novel femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) technique that combines entangled photons with interference detection to select matter pathways and enhance the resolution. Following photo excitation by an actinic pump, the measurement uses a pair of broadband entangled photons, one (signal) interacts with the molecule together with a third narrowband pulse induces the Raman process. The other (idler) photon provides a reference for the coincidence measurement. This interferometric photon-coincidence counting detection allows to separately measure Raman gain and loss signals, which is not possible with conventional probe transmission detection. Entangled photons further provide a unique temporal and spectral detection window that can better resolve fast excited state dynamics compared to classical and correlated disentangled states of light.
