Classically isospinning Skyrmion solutions

Abstract in English

We investigate how isospin affects the geometrical shape and energy of classical soliton solutions of topological charges $B=1-4,8$ in the Skyrme model. The novel approach in our work is that we study classically isospinning Skyrmions beyond the rigid-body approximation; that is, we explicitly allow the soliton solutions to deform and to break the symmetries of the static configurations. Our fully three-dimensional relaxation calculations reveal that the symmetries of isospinning Skyrme solitons can differ significantly from the ones of the static configurations. In particular, isospinning Skyrmion solutions can break up into lower-charge Skyrmions, can deform into new solution types that do not exist at vanishing angular frequency $omega$ or energy degeneracy can be removed. These types of deformations have been largely ignored in previous work on modeling nuclei by quantized Skyrmion solutions.
