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Storage of up-converted telecom photons in a doped crystal

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 Added by Patrick Ledingham
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on an experiment that demonstrates the frequency up-conversion of telecommunication wavelength single-photon-level pulses to be resonant with a $mathrm{Pr}^{3+}$:$mathrm{Y}_2mathrm{Si}mathrm{O}_5$ crystal. We convert the telecom photons at $1570,mathrm{nm}$ to $606,mathrm{nm}$ using a periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate nonlinear waveguide. The maximum device efficiency (which includes all optical loss) is inferred to be $eta_{mathrm{dev}}^{mathrm{max}} = 22 pm 1,%$ (internal efficiency $eta_{mathrm{int}} = 75pm8,%$) with a signal to noise ratio exceeding 1 for single-photon-level pulses with durations of up to 560$,$ns. The converted light is then stored in the crystal using the atomic frequency comb scheme with storage and retrieval efficiencies exceeding $eta_{mathrm{AFC}} = 20,%$ for predetermined storage times of up to $5,mumathrm{s}$. The retrieved light is time delayed from the noisy conversion process allowing us to measure a signal to noise ratio exceeding 100 with telecom single-photon-level inputs. These results represent the first demonstration of single-photon-level optical storage interfaced with frequency up-conversion.

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The realization of a future quantum Internet requires processing and storing quantum information at local nodes, and interconnecting distant nodes using free-space and fibre-optic links. Quantum memories for light are key elements of such quantum networks. However, to date, neither an atomic quantum memory for non-classical states of light operating at a wavelength compatible with standard telecom fibre infrastructure, nor a fibre-based implementation of a quantum memory has been reported. Here we demonstrate the storage and faithful recall of the state of a 1532 nm wavelength photon, entangled with a 795 nm photon, in an ensemble of cryogenically cooled erbium ions doped into a 20 meter-long silicate fibre using a photon-echo quantum memory protocol. Despite its currently limited efficiency and storage time, our broadband light-matter interface brings fibre-based quantum networks one step closer to reality. Furthermore, it facilitates novel tests of light-matter interaction and collective atomic effects in unconventional materials.
Sources of photon pairs based on the spontaneous parametric down conversion process are commonly used for long distance quantum communication. The key feature for improving the range of transmission is engineering their spectral properties. Following two experimental papers [Opt. Lett., 38, 697 (2013)] and [Opt. Lett., 39, 1481 (2014)] we analytically and numerically analyze the characteristics of a source. It is based on a $beta$-barium borate (BBO) crystal cut for type II phase matching at the degenerated frequencies 755 nm $rightarrow$ 1550 nm + 1550 nm. Our analysis shows a way for full control of spectral correlation within a fiber-coupled photon pair simultaneously with optimal brightness.
128 - A. Syouji , R. Shimizu , S. Nagano 2021
We demonstrate a hybrid approach to the generation of photon pairs of a short wavelength with high brightness, by combining parametric down-conversion (SPDC) and up-conversion techniques. Photon pairs were generated at the wavelength of 1550 nm via SPDC, and converted to 516.7 nm through up-conversion with the pump at 775 nm. The quantum sum-frequency interference of the up-converted photon pairs exhibited a fringe period of 258.3 nm, which was 6 times shorter than the original wavelength, demonstrating that the energy-time correlation of the photon pairs was preserved. The technique simultaneously provides short fringe period beyond the classical limit and high brightness of the photon pairs.
Quantum memories for light will be essential elements in future long-range quantum communication networks. These memories operate by reversibly mapping the quantum state of light onto the quantum transitions of a material system. For networks, the quantum coherence times of these transitions must be long compared to the network transmission times, approximately 100 ms for a global communication network. Due to a lack of a suitable storage material, a quantum memory that operates in the 1550 nm optical fiber communication band with a storage time greater than 1 us has not been demonstrated. Here we describe the spin dynamics of $^{167}$Er$^{3+}:$Y$_{2}$SiO$_{5}$ in a high magnetic field and demonstrate that this material has the characteristics for a practical quantum memory in the 1550 nm communication band. We observe a hyperfine coherence time of 1.3 seconds. Further, we demonstrate efficient optical pumping of the entire ensemble into a single hyperfine state, the first such demonstration in a rare-earth system and a requirement for broadband spin-wave storage. With an absorption of 70 dB/cm at 1538 nm and $Lambda$-transitions enabling spin-wave storage, this material is the first candidate identified for an efficient, broadband quantum memory at telecommunication wavelengths.
Up to this point streak-cameras have been a powerful tool for temporal characterization of ultrafast light pulses even at the single photon level. However, the low signal-to-noise ratio in the infrared range prevents measurement on weak light sources in the telecom regime. We present an approach to circumvent this problem. The method utilizes an up-conversion process in periodically poled waveguides in Lithium Niobate. We convert single photons from a parametric down-conversion source in order to reach the point of maximum detection efficiency of commercially available streak-cameras. We explore phase-matching configurations to investigate the up-conversion scheme in real-world applications.
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