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Merger Signatures in the Galaxy Cluster Abell 98

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present results from Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of Abell 98 (A98), a galaxy cluster with three major components: a relatively bright subcluster to the north (A98N), a disturbed subcluster to the south (A98S), and a fainter subcluster to the far south (A98SS). We find evidence for surface brightness and temperature asymmetries in A98N consistent with a shock-heated region to the south, which could be created by an early stage merger between A98N and A98S. Deeper observations are required to confirm this result. We also find that A98S has an asymmetric core temperature structure, likely due to a separate ongoing merger. Evidence for this is also seen in optical data. A98S hosts a wide-angle tail (WAT) radio source powered by a central active galactic nucleus (AGN). We find evidence for a cavity in the intracluster medium (ICM) that has been evacuated by one of the radio lobes, suggesting that AGN feedback is operating in this system. Examples of cavities in non-cool core clusters are relatively rare. The three subclusters lie along a line in projection, suggesting the presence of a large-scale filament. We observe emission along the filament between A98N and A98S, and a surface brightness profile shows emission consistent with the overlap of the subcluster extended gas haloes. We find the temperature of this region is consistent with the temperature of the gas at similar radii outside this bridge region. Lastly, we examine the cluster dynamics using optical data. We conclude A98N and A98S are likely bound to one another, with a 67% probability, while A98S and A98SS are not bound at a high level of significance.

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686 - J. Merten , D. Coe , R. Dupke 2011
We present a detailed strong lensing, weak lensing and X-ray analysis of Abell 2744 (z = 0.308), one of the most actively merging galaxy clusters known. It appears to have unleashed `dark, `ghost, `bullet and `stripped substructures, each ~10^14 solar masses. The phenomenology is complex and will present a challenge for numerical simulations to reproduce. With new, multiband HST imaging, we identify 34 strongly-lensed images of 11 galaxies around the massive Southern `core. Combining this with weak lensing data from HST, VLT and Subaru, we produce the most detailed mass map of this cluster to date. We also perform an independent analysis of archival Chandra X-ray imaging. Our analyses support a recent claim that the Southern core and Northwestern substructure are post-merger and exhibit morphology similar to the Bullet Cluster viewed from an angle. From the separation between X-ray emitting gas and lensing mass in the Southern core, we derive a new and independent constraint on the self-interaction cross section of dark matter particles sigma/m <~ 3 pm 1 cm^2 g^-1. In the Northwestern substructure, the gas, dark matter, and galaxy components have become separated by much larger distances. Most curiously, the `ghost clump (primarily gas) leads the `dark clump (primarily dark matter) by more than 150 kpc. We propose an enhanced `ram-pressure slingshot scenario which may have yielded this reversal of components with such a large separation, but needs further confirmation by follow-up observations and numerical simulations. A secondary merger involves a second `bullet clump in the North and an extremely `stripped clump to the West. The latter appears to exhibit the largest separation between dark matter and X-ray emitting baryons detected to date in our sky.
A number of radio observations have revealed the presence of large synchrotron-emitting sources associated with the intra-cluster medium. There is strong observational evidence that the emitting particles have been (re-)accelerated by shocks and turbulence generated during merger events. The particles that are accelerated are thought to have higher initial energies than those in the thermal pool but the origin of such mildly relativistic particles remains uncertain and needs to be further investigated. The galaxy cluster Abell 1914 is a massive galaxy cluster in which X-ray observations show clear evidence of merging activity. We carried out radio observations of this cluster with the LOw Frequency ARay (LOFAR) at 150 MHz and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 610 MHz. We also analysed Very Large Array (VLA) 1.4 GHz data, archival GMRT 325 MHz data, CFHT weak lensing data and Chandra observations. Our analysis shows that the ultra-steep spectrum source (4C38.39; $alpha lesssim -2$), previously thought to be part of a radio halo, is a distinct source with properties that are consistent with revived fossil plasma sources. Finally, we detect some diffuse emission to the west of the source 4C38.39 that could belong to a radio halo.
For the first time, we explore the dynamics of the central region of a galaxy cluster within $r_{500}sim 600h^{-1}$~kpc from its center by combining optical and X-ray spectroscopy. We use (1) the caustic technique that identifies the cluster substructures and their galaxy members with optical spectroscopic data, and (2) the X-ray redshift fitting procedure that estimates the redshift distribution of the intracluster medium (ICM). We use the spatial and redshift distributions of the galaxies and of the X-ray emitting gas to associate the optical substructures to the X-ray regions. When we apply this approach to Abell 85 (A85), a complex dynamical structure of A85 emerges from our analysis: a galaxy group, with redshift $z=0.0509 pm 0.0021$ is passing through the cluster center along the line of sight dragging part of the ICM present in the cluster core; two additional groups, at redshift $z=0.0547 pm 0.0022$ and $z=0.0570 pm 0.0020$, are going through the cluster in opposite directions, almost perpendicularly to the line of sight, and have substantially perturbed the dynamics of the ICM. An additional group in the outskirts of A85, at redshift $z=0.0561 pm 0.0023$, is associated to a secondary peak of the X-ray emission, at redshift $z=0.0583^{+0.0039}_{-0.0047}$. Although our analysis and results on A85 need to be confirmed by high-resolution spectroscopy, they demonstrate how our new approach can be a powerful tool to constrain the formation history of galaxy clusters by unveiling their central and surrounding structures.
74 - T. Venturi 2017
We report on a spectral study at radio frequencies of the giant radio halo in A2142 (z=0.0909), which we performed to explore its nature and origin. A2142 is not a major merger and the presence of a giant radio halo is somewhat surprising. We performed deep radio observations with the GMRT at 608 MHz, 322 MHz, and 234 MHz and with the VLA in the 1-2 GHz band. We obtained high-quality images at all frequencies in a wide range of resolutions. The radio halo is well detected at all frequencies and extends out to the most distant cold front in A2142. We studied the spectral index in two regions: the central part of the halo and a second region in the direction of the most distant south-eastern cold front, selected to follow the bright part of the halo and X-ray emission. We complemented our observations with a preliminary LOFAR image at 118 MHz and with the re-analysis of archival VLA data at 1.4 GHz. The two components of the radio halo show different observational properties. The central brightest part has higher surface brightess and a spectrum whose steepness is similar to those of the known radio halos, i.e. $alpha^{rm 1.78~GHz}_{rm 118~MHz}=1.33pm 0.08$. The ridge, which fades into the larger scale emission, is broader in size and has considerably lower surface brightess and a moderately steeper spectrum, i.e. $alpha^{rm 1.78~GHz}_{rm 118~MHz}sim 1.5$. We propose that the brightest part of the radio halo is powered by the central sloshing in A2142, similar to what has been suggested for mini-halos, or by secondary electrons generated by hadronic collisions in the ICM. On the other hand, the steeper ridge may probe particle re-acceleration by turbulence generated either by stirring the gas and magnetic fields on a larger scale or by less energetic mechanisms, such as continuous infall of galaxy groups or an off-axis merger.
We present results from an X-ray and radio study of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 115. We use the full set of 5 Chandra observations taken of A115 to date (360 ks total integration) to construct high-fidelity temperature and surface brightness maps. We also examine radio data from the Very Large Array at 1.5 GHz and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 0.6 GHz. We propose that the high X-ray spectral temperature between the subclusters results from the interaction of the bow shocks driven into the intracluster medium by the motion of the subclusters relative to one another. We have identified morphologically similar scenarios in Enzo numerical N-body/hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy clusters in a cosmological context. In addition, the giant radio relic feature in A115, with an arc-like structure and a relatively flat spectral index, is likely consistent with other shock-associated giant radio relics seen in other massive galaxy clusters. We suggest a dynamical scenario that is consistent with the structure of the X-ray gas, the hot region between the clusters, and the radio relic feature.
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