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The nucleon and the two solar mass neutron star

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 Added by Vikram Soni
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Vikram Soni

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The existence of a star with such a large mass means that the equation of state is stiff enough to provide a high enough pressure up to a fairly large central densities,. Such a stiff equation of state is possible if the ground state has nucleons as its constituents. This further implies that a purely nucleon ground state may exist till about four times nuclear density which indicates that quarks in the nucleon are strongly bound and that the nucleon nucleon potential is strongly repulsive. We find this to be so in a chiral soliton model for the nucleon which has bound state quarks. We point out that this has important implications for the strong interaction $ mu_B$ vs T phase diagram.

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In order to reveal the difference between the latest neutron star observation experiment GW170817 and the existing theory, we mainly consider the effect of the nucleon radius on the neutron star from the existing theory. We believe that the effect of nucleon radius in neutron star is not negligible, and the mass radius of nucleon should be used instead of the charge radius. The nucleon mass radius is set as $r_m = 0.55pm0.09$ fm from the new measurements. It is considered as an input to the Excluded Volume Effects model in the equation of state of nuclear matter. We propose a novel neutron star mass-radius relation by using proton mass radius is consistent with the observation GW170817.
We aim at drawing the hadron-quark phase transition line in the QCD phase diagram by using the two phase model (TPM) in which the entanglement Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (EPNJL) model with vector-type four-quark interaction is used for the quark phase and the relativistic mean field (RMF) model is for the hadron phase. Reasonable TPM is constructed by using lattice QCD data and neutron star observations as reliable constraints. For the EPNJL model, we determine the strength of vector-type four-quark interaction at zero quark chemical potential from lattice QCD data on quark number density normalized by its Stefan-Boltzmann limit. For the hadron phase, we consider three RMF models, NL3, TM1 and model proposed by Maruyama, Tatsumi, Endo and Chiba (MTEC). We find that MTEC is most consistent with the neutron star observations and TM1 is the second best. Assuming that the hadron-quark phase transition occurs in the core of neutron star, we explore the density-dependence of vector-type four-quark interaction. Particularly for the critical baryon chemical potential at zero temperature, we determine a range for the quark phase to occur in the core of neutron star.
We report quantum Monte Carlo calculations of single-$Lambda$ hypernuclei for $A<50$ based on phenomenological two- and three-body hyperon-nucleon forces. We present results for the $Lambda$ separation energy in different hyperon orbits, showing that the accuracy of theoretical predictions exceeds that of currently available experimental data, especially for medium-mass hypernuclei. We show the results of a sensitivity study that indicates the possibility to investigate the nucleon-isospin dependence of the three-body hyperon-nucleon-nucleon force in the medium-mass region of the hypernuclear chart, where new spectroscopy studies are currently planned. The importance of such a dependence for the description of the physics of hypernuclei, and the consequences for the prediction of neutron star properties are discussed.
88 - H. Kamada 2007
The potentials $V (v)$ in the nonrelativistic (relativistic) nucleon-nucleon (NN) Schroedingerequation are related by a quadratic equation. That equation is numerically solved, thus providing phase equivalent v- potentials related for instance to the high precision NN potentials, which are adjusted to NN phase shift and mixing parameters in a nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation. The relativistic NN potentials embedded in a three-nucleon (3N)system for total NN momenta different from zero are also constructed in a numerically precise manner. They enter into the relativistic interacting 3N mass operator, which is needed for relativistic 3N calculations for bound and scattering states.
We show that the renormalization group decimation of modern nucleon potential models to low momenta results in a unique nucleon interaction V_{low k}. This interaction is free of short-ranged singularities and can be used directly in many-body calculations. The RG scaling properties follow directly from the invariance of the scattering phase shifts. We discuss the RG treatment of Fermi liquids. The RG equation for the scattering amplitude in the two particle-hole channels is given at zero temperature. The flow equations are simplified by retaining only the leading term in an expansion in small momentum transfers. The RG flow is illustrated by first studying a system of spin-polarized fermions in a simple model. Finally, results for neutron matter are presented by employing the unique low momentum interaction V_{low k} as initial condition of the flow. The RG approach yields the amplitude for non-forward scattering, which is of great interest for calculations of transport properties and superfluid gaps in neutron star interiors. The methods used can also be applied to condensed matter systems in the absence of long-ranged interactions.
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