A Relational Argument for a $sim$PeV Neutrino Energy Cutoff

Abstract in English

We present a relationship, E_ u^{max} = m_{ u} M_{Planck}/M_{weak}, among the highest observed neutrino energy (~PeV) and the neutrino mass, the weak scale, and the Planck energy. We then discuss some tests of this relationship, and present some theoretical constructs which motivate the relationship. It is possible that all massive particles are subject to maximum energies given by similar relationships, although only the neutrino seems able to offer interesting phenomenology. We discuss implications which include no neutrino detections at energies greater than PeV, and changes in expectations for the highest energy cosmic rays. A virtue of this hypothesis is that it is easily invalidated should neutrinos be observed with energies much great than the PeV scale. An almost inescapable implication is that Lorentz Invariance is a low energy principle, yet it appears that violation may be only observable in high-energy astrophysical neutrinos.
