Spin waves along the edge states

Abstract in English

Spin waves have been studied experimentally and by simulations in 1000 nm side equilateral triangular Permalloy dots in the Buckle state (B, with in-plane field along the triangle base) and the Y state (Y, with in-plane field perpendicular to the base). The excess of exchange energy at the triangles edges creates channels that allow effective spin wave propagation along the edges inthe B state. These quasi one-dimensional spin waves emitted by the vertex magnetic charges gradually transform from propagating to standing due to interference and(as pointed out by simulations) areweakly affected by smallvariations of the aspect ratio(from equilateral to isosceles dots) or by interdot dipolar interaction present in our dot arrays. Spin waves excited in the Y state have mainly a two-dimensional character.Propagation of the spin waves along the edge states in triangular dots opens possibilities for creation of new and versatile spintronic devices.
