Existence of Neumann and singular solutions of the fast diffusion equation

Abstract in English

Let $Omega$ be a smooth bounded domain in $R^n$, $nge 3$, $0<mlefrac{n-2}{n}$, $a_1,a_2,..., a_{i_0}inOmega$, $delta_0=min_{1le ile i_0}{dist }(a_i,1Omega)$ and let $Omega_{delta}=Omegasetminuscup_{i=1}^{i_0}B_{delta}(a_i)$ and $hat{Omega}=Omegasetminus{a_1,...,a_{i_0}}$. For any $0<delta<delta_0$ we will prove the existence and uniqueness of positive solution of the Neumann problem for the equation $u_t=Delta u^m$ in $Omega_{delta}times (0,T)$ for some $T>0$. We will prove the existence of singular solutions of this equation in $hat{Omega}times (0,T)$ for some $T>0$ that blow-up at the points $a_1,..., a_{i_0}$.
