Non-Abelian Bremsstrahlung and Azimuthal Asymmetries in High Energy p+A Reactions

Abstract in English

We apply the GLV reaction operator solution to the Vitev-Gunion-Bertsch (VGB) boundary conditions to compute the all-order in nuclear opacity non-abelian gluon bremsstrahlung of event-by-event fluctuating beam jets in nuclear collisions. We evaluate analytically azimuthal Fourier moments of single gluon, $v_n^M{1}$, and even number $2ell$ gluon, $v_n^M{2ell}$ inclusive distributions in high energy p+A reactions as a function of harmonic $n$, %independent target recoil cluster number, $M$, and gluon number, $2ell$, at RHIC and LHC. Multiple resolved clusters of recoiling target beam jets together with the projectile beam jet form Color Scintillation Antenna (CSA) arrays that lead to characteristic boost non-invariant trapezoidal rapidity distributions in asymmetric $B+A$ nuclear collisions. The scaling of intrinsically azimuthally anisotropic and long range in $eta$ nature of the non-abelian br leads to $v_n$ moments that are similar to results from hydrodynamic models, but due entirely to non-abelian wave interference phenomena sourced by the fluctuating CSA. Our analytic non-flow solutions are similar to recent numerical saturation model predictions but differ by predicting a simple power-law hierarchy of both even and odd $v_n$ without invoking $k_T$ factorization. A test of CSA mechanism is the predicted nearly linear $eta$ rapidity dependence of the $v_n(k_T,eta)$. Non-abelian beam jet br may thus provide a simple analytic solution to Beam Energy Scan (BES) puzzle of the near $sqrt{s}$ independence of $v_n(p_T)$ moments observed down to 10 AGeV where large $x$ valence quark beam jets dominate inelastic dynamics. Recoil br from multiple independent CSA clusters could also provide a partial explanation for the unexpected similarity of $v_n$ in $p(D)+A$ and non-central $A+A$ at same $dN/deta$ multiplicity as observed at RHIC and LHC.
