A Diamagnetic Trap with 1D Camelback Potential

Abstract in English

The ability to trap matter is of great importance in experimental physics since it allows isolation and measurement of intrinsic properties of the trapped matter. We present a study of a three dimensional (3D) trap for a diamagnetic rod in a pair of diametric cylindrical magnets. This system yields a fascinating 1D camelback potential along the longitudinal axis which is one of the elementary model potentials of interest in physics. This potential can be tailored by controlling the magnet length/radius aspect ratio. We developed theoretical models and verify them with experiments using graphite rods. We show that, in general, a camelback field or potential profile exists in between a pair of parallel linear dipole distribution. By exploiting this potential, we demonstrate a unique and simple technique to determine the magnetic susceptibility of the rod. This system could be further utilized as a platform for custom-designed 1D potential, a highly sensitive force-distance transducer or a trap for semiconductor nanowires.
